Robert arrived a late at the Ministry today. It had been a busy day. He had been tied up hospitalizing Chase Moor because of mental healh issues and then had been called to suddenly deliver Khaat's triplets. She and the babies were doing well but Khaat was definitely going to need help for awhile. This was physically an enormous strain for her, and now it left her with 5 children in diapers at the same time. His family needed him.
He completed the necessary paperwork on his desk. It required his attention. He turned it in to Eve and asked her to clear his schedule for the next two weeks. He explained the situation to her and asked her to rearrange his meetings for his return. He completed the necessary request for a leave of absence and left it for Thaor, as per the usual protocol so that people did not beleive he had just abandoned his post. He made his reasoning very clear.
From that point, he tucked some things into his bag that he believed he would have use for in the next two weeks. He sent an owl to Jess Potter placing him in control of the Wizengamot only for the next 4-6 weeks until Khaat would be able to return to her duties. One of the last things he did in office was to sign Steven Walker's and Cassidy Stevens' divorces, and signed Khaat's divorce from Rob Dent. It had been her request for it to be finalized. With those completed and authorized, he filed them accordingly.
Once his work was completed for the day, he simply told Eve he'd see her in a couple of weeks, She congratulated him on his three new grandchildren and told him she had sent flowers to Khaat and Brian to celebrate the birth of their children. That made Robert smile. He thanked her and left.