Ah Hogsmeade, that one place that Chase felt completely at home in the shadow of her old school. She had taken the day off from work, and even from home, surprising at it was, being at home was a lot for her to deal with right now. She was still sorting herself out yet, and wasn't quite sure whether she was quite.. stable as it was. So, she had taken some time off, let Calvin and Katie get to know each other better, and headed to her favorite place in the world, Hogsmeade... something was really bugging her though. The last time she was here.. she had met a girl, a Hufflepuff, and soon after she had met her.. the girl had disappeared, it was all over the newspaper, and the rumors were it was Barker..
Chase ran her hand through her hair, it had finally gotten to be about chin length, not nearly as long as it used to be, but it was as though it had finally decided to kick in and start growing magically. And now it was pretty much shooting out of her head. Just in a couple of days, it had gone from extremely short and choppy, to chin length. She had just cut it that morning to even it out, and let it grow quicker then it was already. So Chase was distracted, totally not looking where she was going, and if you knew Chase at all, that meant trouble. Seeing as Chase was EXTREMELY clumsy.. even more so after she had gotten caught actually.
See, Chase had a very interesting past, that was all sorts of messed up... like, just recently, after the Battle at Hogwarts, Felix Barker (One of the most feared wizards besides Grindelwald) had kidnapped her for nearly a week.. tortured her, and finally dropped her off in Muggle London, dress in nothing more then a cloak, and nearly dead from open wounds, and starvation, it had just been luck that Jack Dyllan, her best friend, had picked her up and taken her somewhere safe, and fixed her up.. now the only way you could tell she had been taken were the scars, and her right eye. The scars crossed her face in random directions, making it look almost as though a razor had been taken to it. Slicing into the skin here and there, but it was her eye that stood out the most. If you've ever seen the muggle children's movie The Lion King, you'd know there is a character named Scar in it.. and that is exactly what her eye looked like, except that the cut crossed her actual eye, and made it turn a bit to the side, so that she looked like she was looking in a different direction with that eye, but the other one was fine.
Chase walked along quickly, but suddenly she found herself sprawled on the ground on her back, she had managed to knock straight into a pole outside of the Leaky Cauldron, and thinking it was a person, started to apologize profusely at it.
(Sorry it's so long.. I felt there was some important bits you would need to know when rping with Chase XD She was probably in the news at one time or other, and Felix Barker has been large for a long time, so I thought giving you some background info on a bit of Barker's history would be a good idea to help ease you into the history on the site XD)