"Sit," Michael said to Thaor. He snapped his fingers at the bartender, who floated over a bottle of Michael's brand of firewhiskey and another glass. Michael floated a few coins back to him. "Obviously Tom and I are both lazy at the moment," Michael shrugged, pouring a drink into Thaor's glass. "Skinny here is just catching up with what he missed while he was gone." MIchael got out his wallet and handed Matt a wizarding photo of Abbey and Dakota playing together in the baby pool with Brian's careful supervision. In the photo they looked like they were splashing and giggling. "Khaat says Abbey's labrador animagus makes it hard for them to get her out of the pool once they get her in there. I thought you'd like to see your goddaughter. Oh, and I'm not supposed to show anyone this one. But I will. Brian has been taking pictures, much to Khaat's dislike." He handed a second one--one Brian had taken either to embarrass Khaat or to remember this pregnancy." He passed a photo of Khaat taken just a few days ago. She was standing with Kate in front of Sparks, and it clearly showed that she was far larger than a normal mother at full term. "Khaat has been trying to find this one to burn it. She doesn't know I have it," Michael laughed.