Robert Thyme's robes were itchy.
That's the problem he was finding the most irritating as entered the Leaky Cauldron, and pushed past its inhabitants on his way through to the portal.
He'd chosen not to don his mask - one he'd spent hours customising - in favour of a full range of view. His reasoning being that if all went well today, no one would ever find him, anonymous or not; and if all went down the drain... well, there was no need to even try and hide his identity was there.
No, Gringotts was not the wisest of choices, he'd initially thought as he'd begun cooking his plan. But as it had grown something had become more and more obvious to Robert. He didn't need books, wands or magical jokes, he needed money, and lots of it.
So after months of scouting, here he stood on the cobbled path of Diagon Alley; peering past the frazzled looking consumers as they tried to hurry from shop to shop, to catch a glimpse of the bank.
Of course he needed to find a way to get the Goblins out of the bank first, and a disturbance outside was the perfect sort of distraction that he needed.
That, and it was fun.
Whispering into his wand he nodded, before pointing his weapon at a nearby bookshop and shooting a string of fiendfyre at it, laughing Mirthlessly as the screams began, and starting to point his wand at anyone who took his fancy, firing spells indiscriminately at those people with varied intentions, some were deadly, and the targets fells wordlessly to the ground, others were more painful, and their targets' screams filled the alley.
Yes, this would work nicely as a distraction.