Hey all.
I've been holding off till after the update because it seemed like a good idea, didn't want people getting worried about my bad luck and updates, normally something comes up and I can't make it on >>
Anyway, yes, onto my announcement.
I'm going to be moving in a week and a bit, and where I'm moving will probably take awhile to get internet set up. So there's a chance I could have some time off, those of you who've been here for ages will know that I move a lot... A lot.
In the 3 and a half years of this site I've moved...this'll be the fourth time.
Anyway, last time I moved it took me over a month to get internet back, I hated it. HATED it. This time I'm hoping it'll be smoother, and if it's not I'll try and make it onto internet at the library and cafes as much as possible. I wont have a full month off, but there's a chance I'll be incredibly inactive for a bit. I'll be doing my best to get it set up ASAP, I can't live without the internet.
So, here's to hoping there'll be no dramas at all. Not sure I like my chances though.