Potter's Army Update
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Welcome to Potter's Army

We have been a Harry Potter Roleplaying site since 2007. If you're an old member we hope you come check out the discord link provided below. And if you're looking for a new roleplaying site, well, we're a little inactive. But every once and a while nostalgia sets in and a few of our alumni members will revisit the old stomping grounds and post together. Remember to stay safe out there. And please feel free to drop a line whenever!

Potter's Army Update Li9olo10

What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Potter's Army Update

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Potter's Army Update Empty Potter's Army Update

Post by Jess Potter Sun May 01, 2011 2:00 am

Hello Members!
So we come to the end of yet another update, one which has been jam-packed full of work, I for one think that we admins deserve a pat on the back, we’ve certainly worked hard for it. Anyway, you don’t want to know my views on things, you just want to know what we did, and I’m more than happy to oblige.

As you can all see *Gestures around the screen* we have a new theme. In my opinion it’s the best the site has had by far, a massive thanks goes out to Darren, who’s been working tirelessly on this theme for more or less a fortnight to a month, creating widgets and banners and buttons, it’s all been a very long process for him, I think that each and every one of us owes him a thanks for it, as, in my opinion, it’s a real beauty.

A few things regarding Hogwarts have been done this update, all of them have been well planned out for once, so they should start being effective almost immediately.

Anyway, we’ve introduced an attendance policy to give Students something to do, because right now people are making student characters and refusing to go to classes. Students. Refusing to go to classes... Bah. Anyway, in conjunction with that we’ve told professors they have to be fun-er, or their days are numbered, so no one has any excuses anymore! It was a pain to write, but I think it’ll work quite well.

We’ve also started offering Internships for NEWT students, giving them the opportunity to, should they wish, go and start working in the real world as a part of their studies. You’d better act fast though or else all the good spots will be taken Wink

As well as those two more class based things we’ve also introduced a bunch of new clubs for students, I’d advise you all to go an take a look at them and join up, there’s a few things I would’ve loved to have done, had I been accepted to Hogwarts... I don’t know about you, but at midnight on my 11th birthday, when my letter didn’t arrive, I died a little on the inside.

Also, we're interested in starting a sort of magical summer camp, we're testing the waters so be sure to give your two cents in the discussion forum in regards to it, I think it'd be great fun! But yes, do go and give your opinions, or it mightn't happen. We wont add something for people who don't care about it Razz

And another class, before I forget. It's sort of not a class though :/
It's a temporary workshop on some practical elements of magic, things like occlumency, portkey creation and apparation. I'd advise all NEWTs to sign up for it, as it's valuable stuff to have your character know IC. Sorry Basic students, too young Smile

But that’s not on the topic. What is on the topic is that we’ve also given PA and the Dark Followers a little something more to do, in particular we’ve worked in our plot with their little personal ones, soon enough there will be a massive battle for Hogwarts, and no one will be safe O.o
I suppose that’s as good a segway as any for

Yes, we’ve been laying a trail for awhile, but now we’ve finally come straight out into the open about the plot. The basework, where nothing had been revealed, but we all knew something was going on. Well, we figured that could only go on for so long, so the update was the best time to come out and tell you all what was happening. If you’ve not read the plot already, I think you should along with the timeline of events that’ve already occurred, in order to catch up on what you might have missed. Our trail was a decent one, I thought more people would have figured it out by now, what with the app sitting in the open for a few days, the Death Eaters all knowing about it. But as far as I know not many people actually figured it out :S
Oh well, we’ve planned for all contingencies in this one, so you’re all free to go nuts, we’ll know what to do Wink

There’s also a bunch of things we’ve done just to improve the site as a whole, with no specific aim of who to benefit, it’s really for a bit of everything.

First thing is we’ve opened a plot discussion forum. This varies from the section where we post plots, in that you can all discuss your personal plots (Things like the pranking and the half blood stuff) as well as the site plot, working out all your own little things to do to be involved. Admins’ll be checking it in order to answer any questions or sort out any queries so that the plot runs as smooth as possible.

Businesses are looking at a bit of a revamp, with all inactive shops being given a death warning, and with a business league being set up, I personally don't know what this is about, but I think that it'll pan out well if it goes as Khaat has suggested it will, I hope that the shopkeepers all become involved in it.

We’ve also updated the application! Gone are the days when you had to write your app, then apply in 15 different topics, and be added to 30 different lists which each had hundreds of names in them, now we’re including things like classes in the app themselves, so we’ll just add you straight into the classes when you apply. It’ll be easier for everyone really.

We do still have somewhere to change your classes though, so don’t worry if you want to change your classes later in the year, you’re more than welcome to.

Um. We’ve done a lot of work on permissions, we’re no longer using presets to allow you to post, you now have to be a part of the accepted members group to have access to RP. It’s only something small, means nothing to you really, but it is helpful to us.

Darren’s posted up a roleplaying guide for everyone. It’s really good, I would actually advise that everyone now goes and takes a look at it, because old and new RPers are bound to gain something from it, even if just an insight into what we’re always talking about in regards to character.

Oh, and on that note we’ve updated our character creation policy. The summary of which is that we’re not allowing people who can’t maintain 15 characters to have 15 character. Genius right?

We’ve updated the rules as well, read them. Like actually do. We’re cracking down, everyone is sick of people saying “I didn’t know about that”. The rules are posted for a reason, from now on they are your warning, break them and you’ll be punished on the first strike, unless you have a really good explanation. Every one of our rules is there so, you’ve no excuse to not know them.

And really that’s all that you guys need to know.

Of course, we admins have done a fair bit more than that, most of it is just stuff that we do as we potter about to make life easier for everyone and to make things look nicer. It’s normally very time consuming, very effort filled work, but it all pays out when you guys come on, when new members join, and when we sit up till 3 in the morning next update to fix whatever it is we stuffed up this time around. And we could tell you about all the buttons that we fixed, and all the threads we replaced, but I doubt you care that much, so we’ll just leave it at ^ That.

Please comment on things in their topics, or on everything itself here. This isn’t me offering you to do so, this is me asking that you do, because everyone has an opinion, but not many people share them with us. We also like to hear what you think of our work, it’s all very hard to do, and we all put ourselves through hell doing it, but the most rewarding thing isn’t using the site and finding it easy ourselves, but it’s in fact hearing you guys tell us what’s good, what’s bad, and what can be improved. It’s a very nice feeling to know that someone cares, even if it’s bad feedback we’re getting, about what we did, and that you’re all not just indifferent.
Signing off for a rest,
The Admin Team

P.S. Ever dramatic as I always am, I've posted this at 12 exactly, and taken the site off at 12 exactly. You're all welcome, and aren't we spiffingly good with our timing!

P.P.S. Congratulations to Jack for her first update!

Last edited by Jess Potter on Thu May 19, 2011 10:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
Jess Potter
Jess Potter
Gryffindor Graduate
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Number of posts : 14221
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Potter's Army Update Empty Re: Potter's Army Update

Post by Aurora Nye Sun May 01, 2011 2:01 am

FINNALLY i knew it was time to post before you warned us jess (ps i didnt read post i will do that later lol) why didnt u warn us sooner? (or am i jus awesome like that man?)
Aurora Nye
Aurora Nye
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Potter's Army Update Empty Re: Potter's Army Update

Post by Amelia Lyons Sun May 01, 2011 3:47 am

I haven't had a chance yet to read all of the new things (I am going to right after this) but I wanted to give my feedback here anyway: I think the site looks awesome, the new layout is gorgeous, and I appreciate all the work I know you must have put into this.

Tiny suggestion: I dislike the scrolling admin team pictures/names. I find it distracting.
Amelia Lyons
Amelia Lyons
Ravenclaw Graduate
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Potter's Army Update Empty Re: Potter's Army Update

Post by Jess Potter Sun May 01, 2011 4:18 am

Hey. Thanks for the feedback, completely agree about the theme, like I said I think Darren really aced it.

and thanks for letting us know about the scrolling Images. I'll as Darren about it, we'll see what everyone else has to say about it then we'll change it or leave it, I think.
Jess Potter
Jess Potter
Gryffindor Graduate
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Potter's Army Update Empty Re: Potter's Army Update

Post by Amelia Lyons Sun May 01, 2011 4:23 am

Thanks. Also (and I realize this is incredibly nit-picky, but I have OCD for things like this [not sarcasm, I really do]) the "PMs" part of the quick link tool bar esque thing at the top of the page is slightly lower than all the other words... and it bothers me. If you don't fix this, I will completely understand, but I figured I would bring it up in case it was an easy fix.
Amelia Lyons
Amelia Lyons
Ravenclaw Graduate
Ravenclaw Graduate

Number of posts : 1645
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Potter's Army Update Empty Re: Potter's Army Update

Post by Jess Potter Sun May 01, 2011 6:41 am

That's ok, like I said we like getting feedback from everyone. I'll tell Darren about it, I'm sure it's a quick fix, and don't stress over it being small.
Jess Potter
Jess Potter
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Potter's Army Update Empty Re: Potter's Army Update

Post by Keith Nicholas Sun May 01, 2011 1:40 pm

I love the new layout - generally I'm not a fan of the darker skins but this really does look nice. This might sound minor but I especially love the new "new PM" alert system. It's much easier than waiting to see if my PM thing is flashing.

So great work guys!
Keith Nicholas

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Potter's Army Update Empty Re: Potter's Army Update

Post by Kingsley Shacklebolt Sun May 01, 2011 3:38 pm

Beautiful! Great skin. Good work guys.

I do agree with Amelia though. The scrolling thingy isnt only distracting, it isn't working most of the times (As in, not showing all members)
Kingsley Shacklebolt

Number of posts : 1463

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Potter's Army Update Empty Re: Potter's Army Update

Post by Walter "Xem" Charcovix Sun May 01, 2011 8:57 pm

no ones safe ? oh god, you might have to delete ethan and Raynus now
Walter "Xem" Charcovix
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