Calixta always ate bacon and eggs for breakfast. Some people thought it was fattening, but she had more reliable information. A protein-enriched breakfast kept you from feeling hungry later in the day and snacking when you shouldn't. Snacking was fattening.
So it was with relish that she dug into two poached eggs, two strips of bacon (with the fat cut off, of course) and a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice. Although she'd grown up with it, Calixta had never understood the appeal of pumpkin. It was too sweet and simply reminded her of gigantic formal dinners that seemed to go on forever, along with the huge array of relatives she barely knew who always attended the blasted things.
Nobody else was yet at the Slytherin table. Calixta was a morning person and it seemed everyone else in her house liked to sleep in, but the other tables were slowly filling up. She did hope somebody would join her soon so she didn't look so out of place, though.
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