''My dear Kingsley, I did not think I would see you here. At least not yet. How are you, lad? Getting accustomed to our world?'', Wilson greeted Kingsley with a smile on his face. He then turned to Jess. ''Sorry to interrupt, but I think I should reply to the previous topic. As for your idea, I can't help to disagree, Jess. Bringing a certain Michael Tremaine, despite the fact that he will act as a Dark Army supporter, to the position of Potions Master is definitely too risky. Like I have said, and I am stressing it out once more, he needs to teach a less important subject to make it look less suspicious. If you need a new subject, I am sure Doyle will agree. If you need some kind of Practical Magic or Piano Playing, don't worry about that'', he explained. ''Also, I doubt that Headmaster Doyle would give up his position just because someone named Jess Potter told so, no insult intended. Also, giving that position to someone without experience, and I only know one person except Doyle who is capable enough, would be a total failure. Therefore, you should eliminate that idea as soon as possible'', Wilson said.