No, they're not asking if we think there's a problem. They're declaring that there's a problem and asking if we agree with changing the plot to "fix" the problem they perceive. That's not the same thing.
But I think you have a valid point. Let's talk about admins.
Darren - has been away for, what? Six months? Has let one of his characters go inactive (Albus). I could be reading the wrong posts, but I haven't seen an RP post of his since he's been back. Yet he wrote this in the explanation for why the plot was changing:
we haven't posted 5000+ posts in a single month since July, so no, its not just because of Christmas and the holiday season. This is not all though, the plot has gone to a standstill and the factions are inactive and need a push. A new plot will do that.
How does someone who barely RPs know what a new plot will do? Why is he counting our posts if he isn't posting himself?
Jess - Always places his character in positions of power. Constantly attempts to force members to make their characters act in a certain way. Usually the way that makes his character the hero. Also slags off other admins behind their backs to the members.
Red - is actually doing a pretty good job, revamping the claims area and trying to be fair to everyone. I'd like to hear more input about this whole thing from her, since I think she probably has had admin experience before. Or at least has potential to become a very good one in future.
Matt - doesn't seem to know what's going on, ever. Constantly makes mistakes when carrying out administrative duties. Often makes mistakes when answering member's questions. Is often rude to members and other admins. I'm kind of astonished he still is one.
Khaat - fairly reasonable, seems to care about the site. Still uses her position to put her characters in positions of power, though. Like Jess, tries to force members to make their characters act the way she had planned, and suggests they are "breaking rules" when the characters act in character. Can't handle criticism and has a tendency to redirect conversations about how to improve away from the topic and onto how badly her feelings were hurt by anyone suggesting she is not perfect.
So yeah, I can't really see us getting an experienced admin in the near future. It would show up the current ones too much.