Name: Felix Barker
Main account: Chastity Moor
Why does the character want to be a Death Eater? Felix was born and raised in a Death Eater family. His father was a Death Eater, and was killed in prison for the crimes he committed. His mother left Felix when Felix was still in school, so he has a lot of pent of anger towards the world, and the first thing he did after getting out of school, was track down the Death Eaters, and try and join up. It wasn't until he got rather famous for kidnapping a few well known people, that he really wanted in, and so now he's trying again.
What can the character do for us? Felix is charming, clever, and conceited. He has the 'I'm better then you' attitude, and he knows he's handsome. He's a good talker, and can often get people to think of him differently then what he appears to be.
Name: Zara Ellis
Main account: Chastity Moor
Why does the character want to be a Death Eater? She's sly, she's cunning, and she'll kill you if she gets the chance. Zara is the core of evil, and she has been with the Death Eaters for years.
What can the character do for us? Zara is an actress of many moods. She's good at playing the characters that no one would suspect, so need a spy? Here's your girl...
(Okay.. I'm kinda confused.. I wasn't even ON this character, I was posted as gone in the Comings and Goings section.. I never logged onto the characters, and didn't see that I had to post places to keep up my DE status... seeing as even though things are over, I am STILL extremely busy... I posted this anyway.. because it said to.. but I'm still kinda upset that while I was posted as gone.. I was taken off of the DE list...)