Thaor smiled as he listened to Michael. The best wand I've ever made, funny choice of words my friend. As it so happens, I have just put the finishing touches on, what I'm sure will be, the best wand the world has ever known. A tri-core wand Thaor said, picking up the wand he had laid under the counter.
I'm sure you're aware I've mastered making dual core wands, and now, you're the first to know about a tri-core wand. Thaor said, rather proud of himself. I'm going to take a wild shot in the dark here, and guess the wand you want is for Robert? Thaor said with a smile. I feel he is a powerful enough wizard to control such a wand. This wand, Thaor said, pulling the wand out of the box. Is redwood, with basilisk fang, phoenix tail feather, and unicorn hair. 13 1/34 inches. You may test it out if you wish, just be careful, it is more powerful than a regular wand, and thus, takes a lot less effort to do the same damage. Thaor said, handing the wand over to Michael.
Given the circumstances, I can have this wand finished by Tuesday next, lets say, oh about 7 o'clock. Thaor said with a smile.