He told her it was not ridiculous, which was something she needed to hear. She knew she had high standards for herself, though they were not standards as much as expected of her. She did not like admitting weakness like other's did. What some people called healthy releases, she regarded as completely ridiculous. There was no doing that. No room for admitting defeat.
But it was nice to know she was allowed to be human every once in awhile. Relieved some of the pressure of trying to be an emotionless, if badass, robot. She could be weak. At the mention of a remedy, though, her head immediately came up, her eyes searching his, as though waiting, almost desperately, for what would cure her of her situation.
But it seemed he could not think of a remedy. She felt her shoulders sag slightly and she stared at her knees, scolding herself for getting so happy. She knew some people liked to rant rather than fix, but if she could fix it... Though, she would not see herself transformed into a dependent dope... Though if this was not some form of dependence, what was it?
She began to listen to his words, and at his admittance, her head snapped up and her eyes met his, finally dry. She stared at him. If there was one thing she understood, it was the admittance of a weakness, the most precious of commodities. She had only ever exchanged it with Vito. That point changed things, made you more aware that nothing was ever as simple or complicated as they seemed.
She said in a slow voice, "Really?" She blinked a few times, wondering when it had been, why, and realized it did not matter nor was it her place to ask. The fact was, it had happened. She continued, saying, "And did it get better? Your situation?"