Oh dear God!
I have to say today was one of the worst of my freakin' life! It started rather well, got a letter from Mother and Father explaining my predicament. That was certainly...explanatory. Peter certainly thought so...remind me to dig him up in a few minutes. He hasn't learned his lesson yet I think. I'm only joking, I just have to be careful which toothpaste I use tonight. But anyway, breakfast was alright. Decided I'd go for a fly before Hogsmeade with Peter. Ran into Chase, saved her, the broom, and then saved her again. Right, well I offered to teach her how to fly. That went well, a few broken ribs for me well. The worst of it, her boyfriend blames me for it all. Then he nearly tries to kill me, luckily that voice in my head warned me. I managed to dodged but was sure I rebroke my ribs after Chase tried to heal them. Well I know who I'm looking forward to playing during a Quidditch Match. That Horny Bastard was the one who got her pregnant. Well he may never live to see the baby if I get my way. Wait...I don't know why I'm acting like this. It's all too damn confusing. But I'm gonna go. Let's hope Hogsmeade goes well for us, maybe we'll meet someone rather nice.