` RAFAEL ARMSTRONG ?! i've been dying for seventeen years,
lying for seven, working for the same and
keeping to myself since the very beginning.
where have I gone wrong? i haven't because
oddly enough there are still some crazies out
there that want to be my friends.` life is a nightmare ?!
PARTNERS IN CRIME ` i woke up it was seven, waited 'till eleven just to figure out that
BEST GUY ` no one would call. i think i've got a lot of friends, but i don't hear from them
BEST GIRL ` what's another night all alone. when you're spending every day on your own
NEW FRIENDS ` and here it goes, i'm just a kid and life is a nightmare, i'm just a kid
ON AND OFF ` i know that it's not fair, and nobody cares, cause i'm alone and the world is
FAKE FRIENDS ` having more fun than me and maybe when the night is dead, i'll crawl into
FRIEND OF A FRIEND ` my bed, staring at these four walls again. i'll try and think about the
GOOD FRIENDS ` last time, i had a good time, everyone has somewhere to go and they're
BEST FRIENDS ` gonna leave me here on my own, and here it goes. i'm just a kid, and life
MIXED FEELINGS ` is a nightmare. i'm just a kid, i know that it's not fair, and nobody cares,
ENEMIES TURNED FRIENDS ` cause i'm alone and the world is having more fun than me.
PROTECTIVE OF YOU ` what the F*** is wrong with me, don't fit in with anybody, why did
PROTECTIVE OF ME ` this happen to me. wide awake i'm bored, and i can't fall asleep, and every
CHILDHOOD ` night is the worst night ever, i'm just a kid and life is a nightmare, i'm just a
AVERAGE ` kid i know that it's not fair, and nobody cares, cause i'm alone and the world is having
ACQUAINTANCES ` more fun than me. i'm just a kid. i'm just a kid, i'm just a kid, i'm just a kid.
` get out of my way ?!
HARDCORE ` there you go, you're always so right, it's all a big show, it's all about you. you
I HATE YOU ` think you know, what every one needs, you always take time to criticize me,
YOU HATE ME ` it seems like every time, i make mistakes, i just can't get it right, it right, it
MUTUAL HATE ` it seems like i'm the one, you love to hate, but not today, so, shut up, shut
MISUNDERSTANDING ` up, shut up, don't wanna hear it, get out get out get out get out of
RIVALS ` my way, step up, step up, step up you'll never stop me, nothing you say today, is
TOLERANCE ` gonna bring me down. there you go, you never ask why, it's all a big lie, it's all
F*** YOU B**** ` about you, you think you're special, but i know and i know and i know
BACKSTABBER ` and we know, that you're not. you're always there to point out my
STRAIGHT OUT FEAR ` mistakes, and shove them in my face.it's like i'm the one you love
JEALOUSY ` to hate, but not today, so shut up, shut up, shut up, don't wanna hear it, get
FRIENDLY RIVALRY ` out get out, get out, get out of my way, step up step up, step up,
IT'S COMPLICATED ` you'll never stop me nothing you say today, its gonna bring me
DISTRUST ` down. don't tell me who i should be, and don't try to tell me what's right, for
LOVE/HATE ` me, don't tell me what i should do. i don't wanna waste my time, watching you
AVOIDANCE ` fade away, so shut up, shut up, shut up, get out of my way, shut up shut up
` i won't forget you ?!
FUTURE ` another day is going by, i'm thinking about you all the time, but you're out there, and
CURRENT ` i'm here waiting. and i, wrote this letter in my head, cause so many things were left
FLING ` unsaid, but now you're gone, and i can't think straight. this could be the one last chance
OTHER HALF ` to make you understand, yeah, i'd do anything, just to hold you in my arms, and
INSEPARABLE ` try to make you laugh, cause somehow i can't put you in the past, i'd do anything
FORBIDDEN ` just to fall asleep with you, will you remember me, because i know, i won't forget
EX ON GOOD TERMS ` you. together we, broke all the rules, dreaming of dropping out of school.
EX ON BAD TERMS ` and leave this place, and never come back. so now, maybe after all these
FLIRTING ` years, if you miss me have no fear, i'll be here, i'll be waiting. this could be the one
I'M CRUSHING ON YOU ` last chance to make you understand, and i just can't let you
YOU'RE CRUSHING ON ME ` leave me once again, yeah, i'd do anything. just to hold
POSSIBLE ` you in my arms, and try to make you laugh, cause somehow i can't put you in the
FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS ` past, i'd do anything, just to fall asleep with you, will you remember
ENEMIES WITH BENEFITS ` me, because i know i won't forget you. i'll close my eyes, and
ONE NIGHT STAND ` all i'll see is you. i'll close my eyes. i try to sleep i can't forget you, na na
FINAL `na na na na, and i'd do anything for you, na na na, na na, na na, na na, na, i'd do anything.
`welcome to my life ?!
MOTHER ` do you ever feel like breaking down, do you ever feel out of place, like somehow
FATHER ` you just don't belong, and no one understands you. do you ever wanna run away, do
SIBLING ` you lock yourself in your room, with the radio on, turned up so loud, that no one hears
MENTOR ` you screaming, no you don't know what it's like, when nothing feels all right, you don't
MENTEE ` know what it's like, to be like me. to be hurt to be lost, to be left out in the dark, to be
IDOLIZATION ` kicked, when you're down, and feel like you've been pushed around, to be
ADMIRATION ` on the edge of breaking down, and no one's there to save you, no you don't know
POSITIVE INFLUENCE ` what it's like. welcome to my life. do you wanna be somebody else, are
NEGATIVE INFLUENCE ` you sick of feeling so left out are you desperate to find something more
RESPECT ` before your life is over are you stuck in a world you hate, are you sick of everyone
PEER ` around, with their big fake smiles and stupid lies, when deep inside, you're bleeding, no you
TEACHER ` don't know what it's like, when nothing feels alright, no you don't know what it's like
NEIGHBOR ` to be like me. to be hurt, to feel lost to be left out in the dark, to be kicked when you're
GROUP ` when you're down, and feel like you've been pushed around, to be on the edge of breaking
OTHER ` down, and no one's there to save you, no you don't know what it's like welcome to my life.
` this is what i like ?!
this plot page right here was made by the amazing* dolce ! of the even more spectacular CAUTION!
you can edit minor things, but don't change the entire thing too dramatically, i want to be able
to tell that it's my work being used, and it sucks when i can't because some bastard had to come F*** it all
up. anyway, here's the deal, we have tons of nice relationships here, so please don't just pick the normal
little things. it gets annoying, and is way too cliche. don't be afraid to pick tons of relationships. the more
complex, the better, that's what i say. upload your icons to tinypic so the pictures just don't disappear, and
don't you dare remove this credit, or kaylah will come after you with a butcher knife. have a great day!