Not to be biased...but there is an epic subplot unfolding between Jack Dyllan, Vito Dee Symons, Chase Moor, and Andrew Thompson. We have a series of connected threads which can be found at our
PLOT PAGE and read in chronological order. At the moment, they may not all seem completely relevant, but our plan is to lead up to an epic show down of sorts at the summer party. If you have the patience to read through all of our threads, you will find an awesome storyline (to be seen in bookstores near you soon...XD)
It is full of action, suspense, romance, humor, and struggles, including moral struggles between when to give up, whether or not forgiveness was worth it, accepting the true nature of yourself, trying to improve yourself, and making tough decisions that may change the course of your life...or even end it.
Please check it out. We love input (as in "oh my gosh Chase totally should never forgive Jack" or "wtf is vito doing?!". We love all sorts of it!)
Also, any interesting threads, please send my way. When I get bored...I like to stalk. =D