Just like Old Times
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Just like Old Times Li9olo10

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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Just like Old Times

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Just like Old Times Empty Just like Old Times

Post by Andrew Thompson Tue Aug 03, 2010 7:06 am

Andrew sat in his office near the morning of the day looking over some paperwork that needed to be attended to. At points, being an auror was nice, other times he just wanted to shoot himself. He had wanted to get the stack done yesterday, but he had to attend to his family and wife. He couldn't just let them down or anything like that.

He began to furiously write notes down onto another piece of paper using a mechanical pencil, snapping the graphite constantly and having to replace it. He never liked using a quill because it wasted time. Pencils really helped him get where he needed to be, even if it was hard to write on parchment with. Well at least for him.

After what seemed to be a decade, he let go of his hair that he had been gripping violently to keep himself from ripping the notes to shreds, and looked at his work. It seemed good enough and would be helpful to the others. Finally. He slid all his paperwork into his knapsack and closed the pin on it, keeping it secure. He checked the alarm clock again to find out that it was 7am. He had missed out on 2 more hours of sleep again.He groaned softly and stood up from his chair, his legs feeling wobbly again.

After gaining money from both him and Chase's jobs, he managed to restore her old house to it's former glory and decided to take residence there. Everything looked the way it did before, yet had a couple more improvements to most small things, such as wallpaper and columns lying around. There still needed to be some improvements, yet it looked very well done.

Andrew drudged himself into his room and found Chase lying on the bed sleeping peacefully. He smiled lightly and lied down onto the soft bed, passing out instantly.

Last edited by Andrew Thompson on Thu Aug 05, 2010 2:41 am; edited 1 time in total
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
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Just like Old Times Empty Re: Just like Old Times

Post by Chastity Moor Tue Aug 03, 2010 7:18 am

Chase murmured slightly and rolled over when she felt a sudden weight on the bed. She opened her eyes and glanced over at Andrew, who appeared to have just fallen into bed. She glanced at the alarm clock and was startled to see what time it was. Had he really just gone to sleep. She moved over on the bed and put her arm over him, gently blowing in his ear and she giggled slightly, her hair falling over him, as she looked down at his face. "Andrew.. did you stay up all night again?" She whispered, before smiling slightly and placing a soft kiss on his cheek.

Rolling out of bed, she straightened her sweatpants and headed into the bathroom. Ever since they had taken up residence in her old house, it felt so much more like home. Except now they slept in her parents old bedroom, and Selene and Andrew shared a wing. Most of the house was unoccupied as of yet, seeing as their children really weren't old enough to need their own wings yet. Though her siblings had been younger when they had their own wings. But Chase had made special arrangements to bring back her old nanny for her children. Knowing how much she had loved Mary, and finding it surprising at how badly Mary had needed a job.

Chase smiling and quickly jumped into the shower, before heading downstairs to their updated kitchen. The smell of pancakes and eggs were drifting from there, and she padded silently down the large stairs that lead down from their room to the entry way. Chase stopped for a moment to look at the house from her vantage point. She did this often in the mornings, when Andrew was sleeping. She couldn't help but imagine how her parents had seen it when they had come downstairs on the night they had died. Seeing her as a teenager, standing by the door, oddly stiff, and they just went down into the now restored den, which was more of a formal family room, with a large crackling fireplace, and bookshelves, it was very formal, and they mostly spent their time in the family room just off of it, where it was much more homey and full of toys and video games.

Chase smiled and turned into the kitchen, knowing the kids wouldn't be up yet, and not planning them to be. She smiled and walked into a warm, rosy kitchen, where they usually ate their meals unless someone important was coming over. Which hadn't been that often as of late. Chase smiled and glanced around. Fifteen years hadn't changed the place much, it had taken some fixing up, seeing as it had been allowed to grow over when she had abandoned it. But even still, she had been 17 the night her family had died, and the house didn't look like any time had passed at all. Besides a few things that most of the guests who came would never see. Like Chase's wing hadn't changed a bit, in fact, the carpet was still pink, and old magazines of when Chase was a teenager still laid on her counter in her kitchen, where her mother had placed them all of those years ago.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

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Just like Old Times Empty Re: Just like Old Times

Post by Andrew Thompson Tue Aug 03, 2010 7:36 am

Andrew muttered something as his face was buried in his pillow. Even he couldn't think of what he had said, yet he had said something. He really just wanted some sleep and would probably kill for it at that moment. Wouldn't be his family or anything, but probably the gardener. He hated that guy. Yet as his thoughts began to erupt on who he would kill, he slowly began to pass out, his thoughts disappearing.


Andrew awoke to the sound of his own breathing as he lied on the bed. Here he was, 31 and passed out in the afternoon like some teenager. He had the day off at least, to try and catch up on paperwork that had been left from another fired Auror member. Although, the guy had died, so technically he wasn't fire. Andrew sat up, his feet nearly touching the end of the bed and looked around. Once again, Chase was awake and out of the bed as usaul. He smiled lightly and got up from the bed, hearing his bed trying to fight back.

He walked casually into the bathroom, toke a shower and threw on some clothes that he had gotten a while ago yet had not worn. It was just a plain t-shirt and some shorts that he gotten that reminded him of his Hogwarts years. Good time those were.

He walked down the stairs and met up with Chase in the kitchen. "Hola," he said shaking his head, trying to dry his hair off which was still damp "mi amor!" He looked around and noticed that the kids were still not up yet. Odd. "What time is it?" he asked her curiously.
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
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Just like Old Times Empty Re: Just like Old Times

Post by Chastity Moor Tue Aug 03, 2010 7:48 am

Chase looked up quickly when Andrew walked into the kitchen. She had long since showered and changed into normal clothes, her hair still slightly damp from her earlier shower. She grinned and threw aside the magazine she had been reading. It opened to a page with a picture of her, and a small column about her family inside. She grinned and hopped to her feet. "Slept in late I see.." She said pushing his hair back and kissing him gently, before grinning and going back to the table. "Andrew is at a friends house, they came and got him by floo powder, and Selene is with her counselor right now actually." She said glancing up at the ceiling.

"She's been having problems with pronouncing some of her words.. have you noticed that lately? She's got kind of a lisp.. it wasn't that clear at first, but it's getting stronger, so she's up with a counselor right now, they say she should grow out of it, but they want to make sure.." She said shaking her head and picking up her magazine again. "Hungry? There's still some eggs left from breakfast, the kids ate already, but we left you some!" She said grinning at him. He hadn't changed much since school, the clothes he was in right now still made him look like he should be heading onto the Hogwarts express with his son. She felt a small smile cross her face as she watched him with a gentle expression. It seemed just yesterday that they had fought off mutant bears in the woods, only to go to Hawaii and kiss in the surf.

Chase flicked some red hair out of her face, and stood up again. She moved over to him and gently wrapped her arms around his shoulders, looking up at him. "I think we need to go to Hawaii again.." She said softly. "I could get someone to watch the kids, I mean, it wouldn't be to long, a day or so, I'm sure Matt would let us borrow his summer home, while their kids are at school.." She smiled lightly and kissed him again, this time a lot deeper and with more meaning then the first quick one. Kids weren't there right now, so she felt no need to restrain herself for their sake. And of course, every time she kissed him, she was transported back to the first time they had kissed, and the following kisses after that, and she felt like she was in Hogwarts again.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

Number of posts : 2008
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Just like Old Times Empty Re: Just like Old Times

Post by Nick Potter Tue Aug 03, 2010 4:00 pm

(Can I join))
Nick Potter
Nick Potter
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Just like Old Times Empty Re: Just like Old Times

Post by Andrew Thompson Tue Aug 03, 2010 9:35 pm

Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
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Just like Old Times Empty Re: Just like Old Times

Post by Nick Potter Tue Aug 03, 2010 9:38 pm

((Please why))
Nick Potter
Nick Potter
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Just like Old Times Empty Re: Just like Old Times

Post by Andrew Thompson Tue Aug 03, 2010 9:52 pm

(Nick I put Chase and Jack. And that means that. Also it's spelt Gryffindor.)

Andrew felt a little saddened by the news that his kids were already off. Sure school for Andrew Jr. would be starting soon, yet he always like spending some time with his son. HE rarely got to do it however, do to his Auror duties. Yet, whenever he had time, he would go play Wuidditch with him, to see if he still had the Seeker blood in him. It turns out, Andrew Jr. had seeker and chaser blood. He wondered if Chase would've been good as a chaser, which would explain his skills. "Yeah I slept in," he said shrugging his arms shortly "I was up for a while trying to finish some paperwork."

Andrew looked to his right to see the eggs that had been set out for a while. He felt bad at the fact he had not been there to eat breakfast with his family, yet knew that he had to finish that work, and get 3 hours of sleep. Otherwise, he probably would've went insane years ago. "Thanks hun!" he said and blinked a couple of times at her, a smile on his face and began to walk towards the dish.

Before he could do anything though, Chase had wrapped her arms around his shoulders, instantly making him forget about his hunger. He moved his arms so that they were locked around her waist, and grinned slyly. "I'm sure you just want to talk about the possibility of a third child," he said in a sultry voice. He pressed his lips onto her, pretty much following Chase's lead. The Earth seemed to stop at that moment for him, his mind going blank as he held onto Chase. He was a lucky guy to have her. He pulled away, almost relucantantly and said "Yes though, we should head back, it would be nice to see where we first kissed."
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
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Just like Old Times Empty Re: Just like Old Times

Post by Nick Potter Tue Aug 03, 2010 9:59 pm

((Thanks and can me you and chase have our own topic i can start it))
Nick Potter
Nick Potter
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Just like Old Times Empty Re: Just like Old Times

Post by Andrew Thompson Tue Aug 03, 2010 10:03 pm

(Why? Andrew doesn't really like Nick that much anyway, and that's just IC, no hard feelings against you OOC. He pretty much knows that Nick had tried to kill him on several occasions, and nearly gotten him killed in an indirect way. To Andrew, he seems to be more of an annoyance.)
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
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