Heyya Guys! Are you a twilight fan, well if so come and join this site! It's a RPG site and you can RPG as one of your favorite characters. Some are already taken but theres still lots more to fill up! There's a plot that's located in the spolier below and also if your signing up sign up with any username you want, pick your charcter and then one of the admins changes your username for ya!
The only characters taken so far are:
Rosalie Hale
Bella Cullen/Swan
Jacob Black
Emmett Cullen
Angela Weber
& last but not least
- Spoiler:
August 13th , Isabella swan’s Wedding Day had gone completely right, Smooth Sailing. Bella had the man of her dreams, the one who had saved her, Protected her, Changed her. Edward Cullen, It has been 5 years to the day, Bella is very unstable, but Edward is there, always keeping her in check. 5 years to the day and Bella is is still unsure of herself, knowing Edward was the one, but not the only. She still has Jacob, barely holding onto him. Keeping her down. Despite frequent distractions from her new siblings and friends, Alice Emmett, Jasper, and, Rosalie, Bella still cannot help herself, all her needs are strong. 5 years bella Cullen is still trying to find out if it was Jacob Black that she’d really should have Chosen. But how can she turn back, when she is already turned and Jacob cannot stand to be around her anymore? So we start here and what will the Vampires or the Werewolfs do next?
Me, Sue & Darren are already members come and join us !
Edit: Here's the link, sorry I forgot it guys! lol http://www.tusman.proboards92.com/index.cgi