The manor was extremely boring, but it seemed to be- remotely- the most interesting hangout at the moment. With the school being closed, there was nowhere for her to wander with her friends, besides, of course, Knockturn Alley; though there was nothing that caught her interest there in the summer time, just a bunch of dirty creeps who would try to harass her if she made a wrong turn. However, she hated even being at her home at most times, because it was always overcrowded, mainly by people she despised; but you never know- you can come across a handsome bloke every now and again.
Summer was one of Suz's least-liked season, next to fall because of the return to Hogwarts, because all of her friends would be on their holidays, and the Malfoy's didn't travel much, only when it was for the Death Eaters, really. But she didn't mind that at all, she disliked most of her family though she was exactly alike most of them. "Usually, but this summer has been so boring so far. Nothing caught my interest... nothing intangible, at least" She added that last part with a smirk, it was true. "Unfortunately, only one more year in that hell hole, then I will never be forced to go near it again" It sounded great, never having to go to that place for the rest of her life, it was all she could ever ask for... right now. "But what about you? I'm pretty sure I've seen you around here lately, always mindlessly hunched over that stack of papers. Sounds pretty boring to me" She said, glad she pulled him away from that dining room table.