The Beginning of Something Potentially Dangerous.
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The Beginning of Something Potentially Dangerous. Li9olo10

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The Beginning of Something Potentially Dangerous.

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The Beginning of Something Potentially Dangerous. Empty The Beginning of Something Potentially Dangerous.

Post by Baldric Pierson Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:54 pm

Where did a dangerous fugitive hide during the summer break? Malfoy Manor, clearly. Rob was bent over sheets and sheets of paper that were spread over the dining table in Narcissa’s home. He felt awkward being there but it was either there or Azkaban until he began to rot and the latter wasn’t something that Rob could bare thinking about. It was a grim fate to say the least.

Tapping his pen against the book open in front of him, Rob sighed as he looked over more figures that didn’t even make sense to him. The bloody Ministry had taken everything Jen owned weapons and valuables wise where as the Lupins had taken his money. They were at odds once again and Rob wasn’t prepared to ask his mother for money to tide the two of them over. Jen’s money was put into weapons and off shore banks. Neither could access them so they were scraping by the skin of their teeth until he could get out of the country to reel some of the money in or check on the French doped up on their potions. It wouldn’t take long, only a couple of weeks.

Rob let out a growl of frustration and threw the book away from him, sending some papers across the other side of the room. He ran his hands through his hair and tried to pull himself together somewhat. They had a month to fix things or get some of their money back and Rob didn’t see his sister breaking into the Ministry any time soon. Threatening Matt, however, she would do once she got her hands on him. Rob ran his hands through his hair again and slammed his hands down on the table before picking up his pen again. He scribbled a few things onto a random bit of parchment and soon he just began to doodle out of sheer boredom. He needed a distraction.
Baldric Pierson
Baldric Pierson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 656
Occupation : Autumn Lecturer at Hogwarts | Broomstick Specialist at Quality Quidditch Supplies

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The Beginning of Something Potentially Dangerous. Empty Re: The Beginning of Something Potentially Dangerous.

Post by Suzannah Malfoy Sat Jul 10, 2010 1:05 am

It was a boring day and Suzannah Malfoy decided to take a trip to her- former- home. She missed that place, not that she didn't like living with Thaor. But she missed her family and being in the home in which she grew up in. The whole reason why she moved was because there were so many Death Eaters wandering around her home, most of them convinced that they owned the place. But that was her parent's wonderful idea: to let people come and go as they pleased. It got annoying a lot when she would bump into random Death Eaters, most of which she didn't even know the names of.

The manor was so large, it gave her time to think as she walked through the narrow hallways. Thaor was probably in another fight right now, on top of preparing for his CoMC class next semester and running the shop. She never really got to see him anymore, that was upsetting. She loved being with Thaor, but not exactly to that extent. She couldn't love him, he was ten years older than she; but that didn't matter, really. She found love confusing, you could get hurt- no, you always get hurt with love. Lately, Suz couldn't find "the one" so she decided to just give up on the subject, though she knew she would have to deal with it sooner or later. She preferred later.

Suz decided to go to the kitchen, her favorite room in the house, to get a glass of firewhiskey or a something to chew on. From her position, the only way to get there was by going through the dining room. As she went through the room, she noticed a man hunched over a bunch of papers. Normally, Suz would just forget about him and not give him a moment of her precious time, but he seemed oddly attractive. The way he seemed so stressed, yet relaxed in the same instant made her want to talk to him.

"Hello there" Suz smiled charmingly, sitting in the chair across from his. "Do you need anything? I'm sure I can help you out" She said in a low voice, trying to attract the man.
Suzannah Malfoy
Slytherin Graduate
Slytherin Graduate

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The Beginning of Something Potentially Dangerous. Empty Re: The Beginning of Something Potentially Dangerous.

Post by Baldric Pierson Sat Jul 10, 2010 10:58 pm

Numbers, lists of students – what else was there? Oh yeah, Death Eaters that didn’t know an expensive one of a kind rug from the ones they had in their hovels. They were Neanderthals. Running another hand through his hair, Rob looked at the digits that littered the pages in front of him. His untidy scrawl marred many of them and a few childish illustrations of Majere getting his heads chopped off were in the corner of a few. Tapping his foot against the leg of the table opposite him, Rob picked up his pen. The numbers were beginning to drive him crazy now and his stoic silence since he’d been sprung from Azkaban by his sister was also making his sanity...less than sane....if that made any sense?

Rob looked up at the sound of a voice. He turned a little in his seat and dropped his pen. One of the Malfoys had entered the dining room. It was far as he knew. He watched as she slipped into the chair opposite him and he blinked a few times. Rob bit his tongue and rubbed the back of his neck a few times. What was he supposed to say to her? He felt oddly apologetic. It would have felt odd, though, apologizing for the whole faction. Swallowing, Rob plastered a smile on his face and dipped his head to her, some of his sandy hair falling into his face.

“Hey,” He said a little hesitantly. His voice sounded a little bit odd. He hadn’t spoken in a while and hearing his voice now he was a little bit taken aback. Nethertheless, he composed himself and managed to get out, “Me? You’re aspiring to be lady of the manor are you not? I should be the one offering to aid you, Miss Malfoy,” without a problem and it even had a seductive allure to it that he was quite pleased with. Maybe he hadn’t lost touch after all.
Baldric Pierson
Baldric Pierson
Gryffindor Graduate
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The Beginning of Something Potentially Dangerous. Empty Re: The Beginning of Something Potentially Dangerous.

Post by Suzannah Malfoy Mon Jul 12, 2010 12:55 am

The way he spoke to her and seemed somewhat nervous, it was all so luring. Not to mention his sandy hair and beautiful face, he didn't look like a usual Death Eater. He looked somewhat innocent, like maybe he didn't like being a follower of the Dark Lord. However, Suz could be terribly wrong in her hypothesis. His looks could be deceiving; for all she knew, he could be the Dark Lord's most loyal follower. Besides, Bellatrix, of course, but Suz would never classify that woman as a person. She hated her with a passion, and the way she strutted about the Malfoy Manor made her all the more unlikable.

"Miss Malfoy". She loved being pampered and spoiled, of course, but she doesn't always belittle others. She didn't mind helping someone out once in a while, but only if she approved of them. Suzannah was extremely biased, along with her family. They truly only liked wealthy purebloods. Anyone else would be classified as the "less fortunate". Suz laughed as he spoke this "Well, you seem fairly stressed, though if you would like to aid me, you are truly welcome. I could enjoy the help" She grinned, with the same low, seductive voice he gave. She could definitely see herself getting to know him.

Suzannah Malfoy
Slytherin Graduate
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The Beginning of Something Potentially Dangerous. Empty Re: The Beginning of Something Potentially Dangerous.

Post by Baldric Pierson Sat Jul 17, 2010 10:55 pm

Running a hand through his hair, Rob smiled charmingly at the Malfoy woman set before him like meat on a platter. She was fair game for him but Narcissa would sooner hex his balls off than allow him to even look at one of her granddaughters so the slightly unsavoury thoughts running through his mind had to close the door behind themselves when they left because otherwise his wandering mind would get him in trouble. He would eventually argue, when caught by a Leglimens, that he was merely admiring a beauty that didn’t get the attention she deserved. He doubted that the comment would go down too well though. He’d have to come up with other arguments to back the main one up but he’d find a way to weasel his way out of it.

“Stress can easily be rid of.”Rob said, his voice turning to a purr. “And I’d be glad of the distraction, milady.” He was really laying it on thick but it was the proper way to treat a lady: to make her feel like a princess. Ironically, that was never how he made Khaat feel and made no point to even do so which was a little confusing to him and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion for a few moments before he plastered a sly, seductive smile on his face. His mind was whirling though but he managed to calm himself down a little, storing the little piece of information away for him to process later. Rob got up and walked around the main table. He stood beside Suzannah and held his hand out for her to take, dipping down slightly; his sandy hair falling into his eyes. “Shall we?” He asked, meeting her gaze.
Baldric Pierson
Baldric Pierson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 656
Occupation : Autumn Lecturer at Hogwarts | Broomstick Specialist at Quality Quidditch Supplies

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The Beginning of Something Potentially Dangerous. Empty Re: The Beginning of Something Potentially Dangerous.

Post by Suzannah Malfoy Thu Jul 22, 2010 8:49 pm

With all of this, Suz was beginning to get confused. He seemed like he wanted her, however in the same instance he seemed confused as well. She took this in her hands and thought of the consequences if she were to hook up with a fellow Death Eater- though she wasn't sure if it would even lead up to that- especially one that was so close with her family. She knew that her family most likely wouldn't approve, especially her grandmother. But, quite frankly, Suz didn't give a rat's ass what her grandmother thought; she was a foul woman and she greatly disliked Narcissa. Her opinion didn't matter much anyways, nor did anyone else- it was just a little harmless experimentation.

"We shall" Sue said with a grin as she took his hand. She knew that what she was getting herself into could be potentially dangerous for both Rob and herself. Honestly, what was the worst that could happen?
Suzannah Malfoy
Slytherin Graduate
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The Beginning of Something Potentially Dangerous. Empty Re: The Beginning of Something Potentially Dangerous.

Post by Baldric Pierson Sun Aug 01, 2010 10:05 pm

Malfoy Manor wasn’t a place Rob truly wanted to spend his time. Narcissa hated him so why would he bother sticking around if the host wanted his head mounted on the wall? If he was honest then it was because he didn’t have much choice. With Hogwarts closed, the manor was his only place of refuge and Jen was never there so she’d obviously found someone to mooch off of during the summer. Rob hated his family home so he wasn’t going to knock on the door and ask his mum if he could have a room for the night. Not only did he not want entertain his cousins but it was just too much effort. The reprimands, all of the meat and just stuff he didn’t want or need.

Smiling charmingly, Rob led Suzannah out of the dining room, flicking his wand at the papers as they left. They’d rearrange themselves well enough. He looked at Suzannah and gave her a saucy smile. “Shouldn’t a beauty such as yourself be out enjoying the summer for what it is?” He asked, leading her out of one of the back doors and into the garden. The gardens were truly beautiful and it was an excellent place to think or just relax. “It would make sense wouldn’t it? You shouldn’t be cooped up in the Manor. It’s bad for your health.” He added the last bit for his own amusement and he flicked some hair out of his eyes. It was due a cut again. Stupid dog, always making his hair grow. “You will be entering your final year in September will you not?” Ah, light chatter. Small talk was never his thing but for once it seemed to be going well.
Baldric Pierson
Baldric Pierson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 656
Occupation : Autumn Lecturer at Hogwarts | Broomstick Specialist at Quality Quidditch Supplies

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The Beginning of Something Potentially Dangerous. Empty Re: The Beginning of Something Potentially Dangerous.

Post by Suzannah Malfoy Mon Aug 02, 2010 1:37 am

The manor was extremely boring, but it seemed to be- remotely- the most interesting hangout at the moment. With the school being closed, there was nowhere for her to wander with her friends, besides, of course, Knockturn Alley; though there was nothing that caught her interest there in the summer time, just a bunch of dirty creeps who would try to harass her if she made a wrong turn. However, she hated even being at her home at most times, because it was always overcrowded, mainly by people she despised; but you never know- you can come across a handsome bloke every now and again.

Summer was one of Suz's least-liked season, next to fall because of the return to Hogwarts, because all of her friends would be on their holidays, and the Malfoy's didn't travel much, only when it was for the Death Eaters, really. But she didn't mind that at all, she disliked most of her family though she was exactly alike most of them. "Usually, but this summer has been so boring so far. Nothing caught my interest... nothing intangible, at least" She added that last part with a smirk, it was true. "Unfortunately, only one more year in that hell hole, then I will never be forced to go near it again" It sounded great, never having to go to that place for the rest of her life, it was all she could ever ask for... right now. "But what about you? I'm pretty sure I've seen you around here lately, always mindlessly hunched over that stack of papers. Sounds pretty boring to me" She said, glad she pulled him away from that dining room table.
Suzannah Malfoy
Slytherin Graduate
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