“A network cable is unplugged…” Calvin whispered to himself, reading aloud the small
message that had appeared on the screen of his muggle computer. He was sitting on the
sidewalk, his laptop held only inches from his face. “I know I don’t have any internet
service, dang it!” he hissed, losing his temper- which was quite unusual for Calvin. He
only ever lost his temper when something went wrong with his muggle possessions,
with the exception of stubbing his toe or having to walk home in the pouring rain.
The sound of keys being pushed down into the keyboard could be heard all around as
Calvin ran his fingers over them at an unnaturally quick pace. A small ping was heard
and another message box came up. “Local area connection. Wahoo!” Calvin cheered,
throwing his arms up into the air, his grin stretching all the way up to the corners of his
eyes. The internet- which was a nifty invention that muggles had invented that you had
to pay money for every month to use –had been shut down at his and his roommates ap-
artment due to a late payment, and Calvin was dying on the inside without it. Well… may-
be not just on the inside; his dark brown hair was sticking out at all ends and he was still
in his pajama pants, paired with a baggy grey T-shirt. Normally, Calvin never left the house
without dressing in an appropriate attire for wherever it was that he was going, but tod-
ay, the only place he was going to be spending his time was outside, on the curb, robbing
his next-door neighbors of their precious internet service.
Calvin scratched his head and continued staring at the florescent screen. He didn’t have
to return to work until the next day, due to the weekend, and he planned on using up ev-
ery last second of his free time either playing video games, polishing his collection of
muggle ‘artifacts’, or drumming his fingers against the keys of his new laptop. “Brilliant,”
Calvin muttered to himself, still smiling. Anyone could walk past him and call the police on
him for stealing internet like that, but the thought never occurred to him, along with the
fact that he looked completely ridiculous sitting there in his PJs with his glasses inches
from falling from the bridge of his nose.