After a short battle, the Order took over the Ministry, with the aim to clean it from corruption. With the whearabouts of the previous Minister, Dae Diggory, unknown, the Order of Pheonix installed a new Minister, Matt Lestrange. He plans to restore the Ministry back to its former glory and also clean the Death Eaters from the Wizarding World once and for all.
However, with the threat of losing the school to the ministry, the new headmaster Vincent Majere, turned to unlikely sources for protection for the school - Death Eaters. Now, their forces surround the castle 'defending' it from the Order and the Ministry. Could the Death Eaters be in control of Hogwarts through Majere? And could they be trying to brainwash the students to their side? Some parents certainly think so, and are withdr
withdrawing their children from Hogwarts. As the only source of Wizarding Education in Britain though, most parents are keeping their children there, and hoping that the order and the Ministry stop this madness. The students too, are taking it in their own hands, and many have chosen to join 'Potters Army' in order to rebel against the Vincent Majere and the Death Eaters. With news of these movements travelling fast, how long will it take for the Order to attempt to retake the school? And at what cost will they do so?