Where are kids coming from? >.<
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Where are kids coming from? >.< Li9olo10

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Where are kids coming from? >.<

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Where are kids coming from? >.< Empty Where are kids coming from? >.<

Post by Miseria Lupin Wed Jan 13, 2010 7:15 pm

Miseria waved with her wand and the light dissapeared. Then she looked around and grinned to herself. It was dangerous to be here, right now and at this floor. It was Majere's office here. But she didn't really care.
Since they were enemies - quite polite and gentle to each other but still, both of them tryed to insult one and another. It was pretty funny for Miseria. Having a little fight with an older man. And with a Headmaster to be exact. And now that she's Lupin, most of the Ministry workers and Death Eaters may hate her more. And she hated them as well.

Although, there was one of DE's who she didn't hate. And with who they wanted to drink firewhiskey to celebrate their new lifes or titles. Smiling at herself, she stepped closer to the open window. Full moon was gone and shining stars were decorating the dark blue sky.

The forbidden forest's trees were high and their tops were swaying dangerously. Like they promised to fall off. It was mystic place. Even for her, though, she has been there more than ten times already. She loved the nature and she loved lonelyness, and the forbidden forest was place where she could find it. Even school wasn't safe from annoying schoolmates or even housemates. Everyone needed moment to be alone.

And then she looked away. Where the hell was Alice? She promised to be here at time. Strange.
Though, she wasn't impressed. Maybe she had something to do or maybe she didn't want to come, although, she replied the little letter what Miseria had sent her this morning. Both of them wanted little action or something with what they could make their lives more interesting.

So now we will find out.

Last edited by Miseria Manson-Lupin on Wed Jan 13, 2010 7:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
Miseria Lupin

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Where are kids coming from? >.< Empty Re: Where are kids coming from? >.<

Post by Darien de Ramiére Wed Jan 13, 2010 7:20 pm

Alice walked in hallway and stopped, when she saw Miseria. "Sorry, it wasn't easy to get away from these horrible people," she said, shakeing herself. She stepped closer and smiled gaily. Alice was one strange Slytherin girl. "Well... What did you want?" she asked, canting her head. Her gaze was stuck on Miseria.
Darien de Ramiére
Darien de Ramiére
Ravenclaw Graduate
Ravenclaw Graduate

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Where are kids coming from? >.< Empty Re: Where are kids coming from? >.<

Post by Miseria Lupin Wed Jan 13, 2010 7:30 pm

Miseria grinned again when she heard those steps with weak sound in hallway. Then she turned herself around and looked at Alice. YEs, she agreed - Alice was one of the strangest Slytherins Miseria had ever met. But then again, was she better? Miseria was with god damn blue hair and she was punk. Always wearing pierced belts, piercing on her lip and usually she was wearing heavy tankboots. She was used to them, but right now there were only sneakers so with them no one could hear her coming.

"Don't worry, I understand. You Slytherins are always annoying and try to talk much..." she shrugged, giggling quietly. But then she coughed, looking at Alice with serious expression. "Well... how about the fact that we are supposed to be celebrating? You are a Death Eater, remember?" she asked, shrugging. Celebrating was the main reason she called her here. And why not to do it now, when students are all in their dormotries and no one is going to come here. She had even firewhiskey and with one accio she could call it here.

Running her fingers trough her blue hair, she looked out for a second. it was cold here, at this stoney hallway, however, it wasn't the fact that she mentioned loud. And then she clapped her hands and stepped away from the window, looking at the paintings on the wall. She knew that one of them will go into Majere's office and tell on them, but who cared? Miseria just loved Vincent too much so why not do something what's forbidden in this school?
Miseria Lupin

Number of posts : 3782

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Where are kids coming from? >.< Empty Re: Where are kids coming from? >.<

Post by Darien de Ramiére Wed Jan 13, 2010 7:35 pm

Alice half-smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I remember. But... You want to celebrate here? Like... Majere's office is near here, remember? And we will get thorwed out, when Vincent finds us," she said. Actually she didn't care, is Vincent going to throw outsomebody or not, but she didn't wanted to get busted. Before: yes, but now... not so much. It wouldn't be pretty, if somebody else will find out about her being Death Eater. She would have to do something, that she didn't wanted to do.
Darien de Ramiére
Darien de Ramiére
Ravenclaw Graduate
Ravenclaw Graduate

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Where are kids coming from? >.< Empty Re: Where are kids coming from? >.<

Post by Miseria Lupin Wed Jan 13, 2010 7:44 pm

Miseria only shrugged, her blue eyes turning into black in the darkness what was falling all around them. "I remember. He gave me a detention. And I guess that I will send him roses if he busts me..." she laughed loudly, turning her eyes at Alice. Oh yeah, she loved her sarcastic part. It's like being Slytherin only in wrong house. But Hufflepuff is one biggest part of her life and it's always been. The sorting hat never mistakes so there must be something what made it sort Miseria in this little house of loyality.

"You are worried about being throwed out from school?" she raised her eyebrows and sighed quietly. "Alice, we aren't even doing anything right now, only chatting. Even if you wouldn've called me, he would thought that I did and he will blame me, not you, so don't worry, you will be innocent. He loves Slytherins..." she gave her shrug with an answer. She wasn't worried about it. She knew that sooner or later she'll join the Order of the Phoenix and after that she'll go to work at st. Mungos perhaps.

And then she rolled her eyes. "Look, no one cares if you are Death Eater or not. I'm one hundred precents sure that you aren't the only one in this school. I'm sure that even in My house are some Death Eaters so stop complaining!" she stepped closer to her and placed her cold hand on Alice's shoulder. God, why people are always panicing. "And I presume you have some abilities as well since you are a death eater?" she grinned to her again. Ahh, it was so good when no one was disturbing their little talk. Night was her favourite time of day. No one was active and best of all - it was dark around!
Miseria Lupin

Number of posts : 3782

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Where are kids coming from? >.< Empty Re: Where are kids coming from? >.<

Post by Darien de Ramiére Wed Jan 13, 2010 7:50 pm

Alice listened Miseria's talking with smile. "I am not worryed. And yea, ofcourse there are many other Death Eaters, but it would be embarassing, when I would get busted," she said. When Miseria said about abilities, she nodded. "Yes, I have some abilities," she said.
Darien de Ramiére
Darien de Ramiére
Ravenclaw Graduate
Ravenclaw Graduate

Number of posts : 601
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Where are kids coming from? >.< Empty Re: Where are kids coming from? >.<

Post by Miseria Lupin Wed Jan 13, 2010 7:53 pm

Miseria only laughed at her and remover her hand, putting it into her jeans pocket. "Ahha. So aren't we little bit shy, ay?" she asked, looking at Alice with widened smile. That was somehthing new. As far as she could remember, Alice was the one who was up to no good. Maybe they had changed the roles. Maybe Miseria will be the satan and Alice angel?

Right. Like that's going ever to happen! "Abilities? What kind of?" she then asked, curious voice filling the silence what had came between them. "Don't say you are turning into a mice," she said with a sarcastic voice again.
Miseria Lupin

Number of posts : 3782

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Where are kids coming from? >.< Empty Re: Where are kids coming from? >.<

Post by Darien de Ramiére Thu Jan 14, 2010 12:14 pm

Alice smiled gaily and shaked her head. "No, I am not animangus," she said amusedly. "You should know, what I can do. Oh, maybe I haven't told you," she added, crinkling her eyebrows. "I can speak parseltongue, I have learned occlumency and leglimency," Alice answered bit later. "I remember, that you had some abilities too, but... what were they?"

Last edited by Alice Taylor on Thu Jan 14, 2010 2:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
Darien de Ramiére
Darien de Ramiére
Ravenclaw Graduate
Ravenclaw Graduate

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Where are kids coming from? >.< Empty Re: Where are kids coming from? >.<

Post by Miseria Lupin Thu Jan 14, 2010 2:39 pm

OOC: it's what were they*

Miseria laughed quietly. Animagus. She really imagined how Alice will turn into little gray mouse. "Ah... yeaah... the snake speaker... right..." she rolled her eyes. For sudden knowledge, she felt jealous for Alice. That was one cool ability. Talking with snakes. Dark, even Lord Voldemort has this ability but Alice was Slytherin and she didn't even wonder why she had this ability. All girl's family was in Slytherin.

Only Miseria's parents were from different houses and even before them, some of them were Slytherins, Gryffindors, Ravenclaws and so on. She had some kind of mixed family. There were also muggleborns who married to the wizards. But hell, no one of Manson's didn't care of it. Even some old Slytherins were married to Muggle-Born females and males, though, Miseria was sure that she will get married with Wizard. She just can't get along with muggles, however they seem to be great friends.

Again walking away from Alice, she looked out of the window, at the lake which reflected all shining starts from the heaven. Maybe her parents were there right now, watching her and know that she misses them much. But then again, she made up a smile on her face. Acting was the thing what she prefered to do when friends are around. Then no one can see how she feels. And once again - who cared how she feeled? Alright, Khaat and maybe some one else as well but the others... They thought that she was hearless because of her strange attitude and style what was talking about assertiveness with some piercings. Why not?

She nodded and looked at Alice:"Yes, Occlumency, Leglimency and Telekensis. Hope you know what the last one is..." Her grin widened. Oh, she was insulting her best friend now as well. How good could it get?
Miseria Lupin

Number of posts : 3782

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Where are kids coming from? >.< Empty Re: Where are kids coming from? >.<

Post by Darien de Ramiére Thu Jan 14, 2010 2:50 pm

Alice rolled her eyes. "Of course I know what it is," she said. She wasn't fool. She had heard about this ability. "Well. Are we going to stand here all night?" she asked finally, when she got bored of standing in this hallway.
Darien de Ramiére
Darien de Ramiére
Ravenclaw Graduate
Ravenclaw Graduate

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