Danny walked into his large apartment that was located in New York City, New York. He carried 2 heavy bags of grocieres that he had recently gotten from the convient store across the street. He turned to his left and set the bags on the counter with his Laptop computer system next to them. He admired his home still and looked around. His kitchen was filled to the state-of-the-art cuilinary technologies, across from the kitcehn was a pool table, punching bag, and a target of a person's shadow with throwing knives lodged into it. to the left of that was a large couch with a coffee table in front with a DVD stand with an Xbox 360 and PS3 on them. Above those was a 52 inch Plasma screen TV on the wall. To the left of that was a balcony that had a grill, a hot tub, 2 tanning beds,and a radio on a table. His bed was behind the wall that had the TV on it and in front of the bed was his armoire and on the left was a closet that was filled with things to do on a rainy day if he had guests over. He walked towards the couch and vaulted onto the coushin and reached for the remote. He turned on the TV and went on TiVo to watch pre-recorded episode of 'South Park'.