I'm not going to beat around the bush. Being a Death Eater on a Harry Potter RPG is a sought after position. On some boards, they make you audition for the privilege. So in accordance with that, we should be upholding a high standard of RP.
That doesn't mean I'm going to read through everyone's posts and give creative criticism. It just means I'd like it if you check the Malfoy Manor forum whenever you get on the board. I'd like it if your Death Eater character had as much of a private life as your student character. Feel free to run threads in the Manor, and plot non-battle threads with the Order members occasionally, because they're just as bored as us, which is why they're so keen on "battling" all the time.
If you are in an attack thread, make sure you don't let your ego get in the way of your character. Unfortunately, it happens to everyone and it happened to me the other day. So I think we should make a loose rule that if you're fighting someone who's about as powerful as your character, then every third spell or so should hit. You don't have to stick to it religiously (especially if the spell that's about to hit would kill your character), but keep it in mind as a guide if you need to.
Also remember, if your character is a student, chances are they're weaker than most of the Order members, even if they do know dark magic. Lucius' stance on the student members of the Death Eaters is that they shouldn't be going into battle, just so you know. You have a metaphorical escape route. Whether you do or don't fight is entirely up to you.
If there's anything you'd like to add, please feel free to post it below.