by Ne'Os Emof Mon Oct 26, 2009 3:06 am
Item Name: Amulet of deflection
Item type:Amulet
How it was made: Was made by a powerful wizard long ago
How you came into contact with it: Found it it the Ministry one day.
Magical abilities: Shield the wearer against most magical attack cant protect against kinetic attacks or the unforgivable curses. causes the wearer to suffer from the effect of the spell after it is removed
Roleplay sample: Ne'os smiled as many Death eater stunner simple was absorebed into the shield around him. it wanst until a death eater decided to stab at him with a knife that he was frustrated. he was happy to be able to ocncentrate on the DE with the knife as the stunners simpley where abosorbed. After the battle Ne'os looked down at the amulet it glowed as he took it off. he could feel the spells starting to take effect. He put it back on His eyes turned black for a moment before they corrected themselves. He knew that he was a step closer to destroying the death eaters.
Last edited by ne'os emof on Mon Oct 26, 2009 3:22 am; edited 1 time in total