Last thread got way too long.
Please inform me in this thread about all multiple
account making or killing so we make confusion smaller.
And do stop claiming 3 and more canons guys.
Specially refered to Matt!
Sue Malfoy, Danielle Riddle
Jemma Tiquelle, Benjamin Macmillan, Alicia Wood
Mariana Diggory, Gabrielle Delacour
Darren Riddle, Headmaster Shacklebolt, Lord Voldemort, Albus Potter, James Roland
Zoe Weasley, Willow Kavanagh, Jasper Black, Beau Uziel
Sophia Granger, Rose Weasley, Emmanuelle Lestrange
Nikki Granger, Timothy C. Ashes, Paige Halliwell
Addy Adeagbo, Professor (Adebola) Adeagbo
Brandy Lupin, Zylee Black
Danny Thompson, Brandon Thompson, Desmond Leviit
Samantha Burns, Spike Edgelong,
Aminia Lestrange, Haley Kantal
Sarah Cain, Victoire Weasley, Micheal Bennett
Merie Hazel, Tanvir Verde
Aden Williams, Dae Diggory, Tracer Knight
Kat Piper, Nadya Webb
Samantha Burns, Spike Edgelong, Jennifer Hutson
Merie Hazel, Tanvir Verde
Sterling Silver, Karrit Gold, Antonius Smith
Alice Longbottom, Virginia Vista, Bonnie Calvert, Oliver Wood, Frazier Nicholas
Butterfly Macmillan, Alexa Finnigan, Chris Lysander, James Potter, Alexandra M. Martina, Artemis
Chase Moor, Allana Parker, James Potter
Ronald Weasley, Phillip Fuller
Catalina Williams, Nerezza Talbot
Kya Sage, Alexander Sage
Thomas Tangleton, Jesse Daniels
Michelle Goodwin, Claire Haner
Hermione Weasley, Ginny Potter
Kieko Li, Vanessa Nott
Ronald Weasley, Phillip Fuller
Elvaleryn Weasley, Victoria Flamming, Nicholaus D. Chase
Oli Rochet, Draco Malfoy
Makaiden Kanakaredes, Imogen Skye, Lena Kanakaredes
Garulia Slither, Varod Gilther
Cosette Hale, Teddy Lupin
Matt Lestrange, Louis Weasley, Lilian Jackson
Selwyn Thorfin, Lyra Blake, Lucius Malfoy, Allura Draig, Rose Robbins
Christabelle Whittle, Fleur Weasley, Morgan Forrester
Jamie Prophet, Lysander Scamander
Izzy Fellows , Neve Starr, Francesca Heart, Ruby Donagher
Keith Nicholas, Noah Archer, Donald Morgan
Arthur Severus Poe, James William Wilson
Abbey Dawn, Lanie Thompson, Della Moore