Underwood, Penelope Phoenix
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Underwood, Penelope Phoenix Li9olo10

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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Underwood, Penelope Phoenix

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Underwood, Penelope Phoenix Empty Underwood, Penelope Phoenix

Post by Penelope Underwood Tue May 30, 2023 1:56 am

Underwood, Penelope Phoenix OGC.22c30f09b7986ecaf4be677c29162ce4?pid=1.7&rurl=https%3a%2f%2fi.pinimg.com%2foriginals%2f97%2f51%2f2c%2f97512cae112876cbe773214e60be5984
Penelope Phoenix Underwood
Name:Penelope Phoenix Underwood
Class/Species: Witch
Blood: Halfblood

Mother:Leanne Underwood
Father: Dean Underwood
Brother(s): Michael Patrick and Preston (twin)
Other: Hayden (Patch’s boyfriend)

Playby: Mackenzie Foy
Hair:long brown
Build: Small frame
Skin: light skin, healthy blemish free other than a birthmark on the back of her neck
Overall Appearance: Nelope possesses an enchanting beauty that captivates those around her. With her long, flowing brown hair cascading down her shoulders, she exudes an aura of innocence and grace. Her mesmerizing blue eyes, like two sparkling sapphires, reflect her inner curiosity and intelligence, drawing people into her world. Standing at a petite height of 4'9", Penelope has a small frame that adds to her delicate charm.

Penelope's light skin is flawless and radiates with a healthy glow, accentuating her youthful appearance. It serves as a canvas for her vibrant personality to shine through, and her captivating smile lights up the room. She carries herself with a certain poise and elegance, showcasing a maturity beyond her years.

One distinctive feature that sets Penelope apart is the birthmark adorning the back of her neck. This unique mark, like a hidden treasure, adds an element of mystery to her appearance, hinting at a deeper story yet to be discovered. It is a testament to her individuality and serves as a subtle reminder of her inner strength.

Good Qualities:

Kindness: Penelope exudes warmth and kindness in all her interactions. She genuinely cares for others and goes out of her way to make people feel valued and supported. Her compassionate nature is evident in her willingness to lend a listening ear or offer a helping hand whenever someone is in need.
Loyalty: Penelope is fiercely loyal to her loved ones. She stands by her family and friends through thick and thin, always ready to provide unwavering support. Her loyalty extends beyond mere blood ties, as she values and cherishes the relationships she has built, making her a dependable and trusted confidante.
Optimism: With an infectious optimism, Penelope sees the world through a bright and hopeful lens. She has a knack for finding silver linings even in the darkest of situations. Her positive outlook inspires others and brings light to their lives, uplifting spirits and encouraging a positive mindset.
Bad Qualities:

Naivety: Penelope's trusting nature and belief in the inherent goodness of others can sometimes make her naive. She may overlook certain warning signs or be easily swayed by manipulative individuals, leaving her vulnerable to deception or betrayal.
Overly Sensitive: Penelope's empathetic nature can also make her highly sensitive to criticism or negative remarks. She takes things to heart and may struggle to brush off hurtful comments, occasionally leading to self-doubt or a loss of confidence.
Indecisiveness: Penelope's desire to please everyone and maintain harmony can sometimes result in indecisiveness. She may struggle with making firm choices or asserting her own preferences, often deferring to others instead.

Singing and Dancing: Penelope finds joy and solace in expressing herself through music and movement. Singing and dancing allow her to unleash her creativity, and she often uses these art forms as a means of self-expression and emotional release.
Herbology: Penelope's favorite class at Hogwarts is Herbology. She delights in the magical world of plants and takes pleasure in learning about their properties and uses. The nurturing aspect of tending to plants resonates with her compassionate nature, and she finds solace in the peacefulness of the greenhouse.
Close-knit Relationships: Penelope cherishes deep connections and values close-knit relationships. Whether it's spending quality time with her family or creating lasting bonds with friends, she thrives on the sense of belonging and love that comes from these connections.

Violence: Penelope strongly dislikes violence in any form. She abhors conflicts and believes in resolving disputes through peaceful means. The sight of others getting hurt or witnessing aggression deeply troubles her, and she actively avoids engaging in or supporting any form of violence.
Disapproval of Loved Ones: Penelope finds it challenging to accept and cope with the disapproval of those she holds dear. Whether it's her brothers or other important figures in her life, their judgment or rejection can deeply affect her, causing emotional distress.
Injustice: Penelope has a strong sense of fairness and dislikes witnessing injustice. Whether it's discrimination, bullying, or any form of mistreatment, she feels a burning desire to stand up for what is right and protect the vulnerable.

Abandonment: Penelope has a deep-seated fear of being abandoned or left alone. The thought of losing her loved ones and being disconnected from the people she cares about terrifies her, and she strives to maintain strong bonds and connections to alleviate this fear.
Failure: Penelope is driven by a fear of failure, particularly in disappointing those who believe in her. She puts immense pressure on herself to succeed and may experience anxiety when faced with the possibility of falling short of expectations.
Dark Magic: Due to her gentle nature and aversion to violence, Penelope harbors a fear of dark magic. The thought of encountering or being subjected to the malevolent forces associated with it sends shivers down her spine, and she actively avoids situations that involve the dark arts.
General Personality:
Penelope Underwood is a true embodiment of Hufflepuff values. She radiates kindness, loyalty, and a genuine love for those around her. Her friendly and bubbly nature draws people in, and she effortlessly creates an atmosphere of warmth and acceptance. Penelope believes in the power of unity and works tirelessly to maintain harmonious relationships, often acting as the peacemaker in conflicts. She sees the best in others and inspires them to be their best selves through her unwavering support and optimism. However, Penelope's trusting nature and sensitivity can make her vulnerable to emotional hurt or manipulation. Despite her bright disposition, she also grapples with self-doubt and indecisiveness at times. Nonetheless, her resilience and determination shine through, as she strives to create a world filled with love, understanding, and compassion.

Early Years: Penelope Underwood was born into a loving yet complex family dynamic. She was the youngest of four children, with three older brothers, including her twin brother, Preston. From a young age, Penelope experienced the challenges and tensions that arose within her family due to her father's disapproval of her brother Patrick's sexual orientation. Her father's inability to accept and support Patrick's identity created a strain in their household.

To shield their children from external judgment and negativity, Penelope's parents made the decision to homeschool them until they reached the age of 11. During this time, Penelope grew closer to her brothers, forming strong bonds with each of them. Their shared experiences and support for one another became a source of strength and comfort in the face of their father's disapproval.
Hogwarts Years: When Penelope received her acceptance letter to Hogwarts, it marked a new chapter in her life. Excitement filled her heart as she embarked on her journey to the magical world, leaving behind the confines of her home and the weight of her father's disapproval. At Hogwarts, she found solace in the welcoming atmosphere of Hufflepuff House, surrounded by peers who embraced her for who she was.

Throughout her Hogwarts years, Penelope thrived academically and socially. She was well-liked by her classmates and quickly established herself as a friendly and supportive presence within her house. Penelope's genuine kindness and loyalty resonated with her fellow Hufflepuffs, and she became known for her unwavering support of her friends.

Despite the challenges within her family, Penelope's Hogwarts experience provided her with a sense of belonging and allowed her to further develop her values of acceptance and inclusivity. She actively participated in extracurricular activities, using her talents in singing and dancing to spread joy and foster unity among her peers.
After Hogwarts / Adult: (If Applicable)

OOC: Cecilia

Last edited by Penelope Underwood on Fri Jun 02, 2023 6:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
Penelope Underwood
Penelope Underwood
Fourth Year Hufflepuff
Fourth Year Hufflepuff

Number of posts : 169
Special Abilities : Flying and Transfiguration
Occupation : Student

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Underwood, Penelope Phoenix Empty Re: Underwood, Penelope Phoenix

Post by Khaat Lupin Fri Jun 02, 2023 6:03 pm

She looks good to me. I'll accept her and sort her to Hufflepuff.

However, please attach your alias to this app so we know who you are! Thanks! Smile

Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23858
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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Underwood, Penelope Phoenix Empty Re: Underwood, Penelope Phoenix

Post by Penelope Underwood Fri Jun 02, 2023 6:32 pm

fixing it no.
Penelope Underwood
Penelope Underwood
Fourth Year Hufflepuff
Fourth Year Hufflepuff

Number of posts : 169
Special Abilities : Flying and Transfiguration
Occupation : Student

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Underwood, Penelope Phoenix Empty Re: Underwood, Penelope Phoenix

Post by Khaat Lupin Fri Jun 02, 2023 7:51 pm

Thank you. Smile
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23858
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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