"I'll have a talk with him, shall I?" Angus asked. "I'm sure he is frightened. He's still awfully small to understand this thing he has to be aware of for the rest of his life. You know how hard it is even for a grownup. I'm sure it's completely overwhelming for him." He looked at Cris and saw Cris standing, looking rather lost, and Angus held out his arms to him, inviting him to come. Cris ran over to Angus and threw his arms around Angus in a big hug, hiding his face in Angus's bare chest. He looked up and pointed at the new bandage on his shoulder.
"Ce s-a întâmplat?" Cris asked.
"M-am certat cu o femeie urâtă pentru a salva viața unui bărbat," Angus said.
"Ai castigat?"
"Da," Angus laughed, nodding.
"Atunci a fost pentru o cauză bună," Cris replied, and Angus nodded.
"Vrei un sandviș cu brânză prăjită?"
"Da!" Cris nodded, now smiling. The first sandwich that Angus took off the griddle, he cut in half and put on a plate and put it on the table for Cris. Cris looked at it with a big smile, and he sat down and thanked Angus and dove into it like he was starved.
"I don't think I spoiled whatever Yulong is fixing you all for lunch," Angus laughed. "He's seven. He's hollow from his toes on up. He made a stack of sandwiches. "Feel free to grab one if you want it, Jessie. There are plenty, and Ruby's salads are always good." He poured a glass of lemonade for Cris and sat down at the table with him.
"Cris," Angus asked. "Esti nervos in legatura cu luna?" Cris looked at him, not understanding how he knew. Angus just waited and then Cris finally nodded. "Eu și Jessie am vorbit despre a face un foc de tabără și de a prăji bezele în acea noapte și ai putea afla câteva lucruri despre stele în timp ce suntem afară." Cris looked at him as if Angus had lost his mind.
"Nu voi avea timp de marshmallows! Voi fi un monstru!" Cris burst out at Angus.
"Dar ce se întâmplă dacă nu te transformi într-un monstru? Cred că medicamentul tău va opri asta. Nu cred că te vei transforma, așa că cred că vei avea destul timp pentru bezele."
"Ești nebun, știi asta?" Cris asked. Angus nodded, laughing.
"Hai să facem un pariu. Pun pariu că nu te vei schimba. Dacă câștig, poți să mă ajuți să gătesc cina într-o seară, iar dacă câștigi, o să fac ce vrei pentru cină. Afacere?" Angus asked.
"Pot să mănânc mult," Cris shrugged.
"Pot să gătesc mult," Angus said. Cris laughed. "I think he's better for the moment. We made a bet. I told him I thought we should roast marshmallows that night because he wouldn't know what a s'more is. But he got angry saying he wasnt going to have time for marshmallows because he'll be a monster. I told him we needed to make a wager. If I won, he would help me cook supper. And if he wins, I'll make his favorite supper. He warned me he can eat a lot. So I think he's better for the moment."