"I hope your plants are doing alright now, that's real shame to hear that they were hurt in the process." Jemma said, nodding alongside Zelia.
"That's not great to hear about the Astronomy Tower either. The Divination Tower has usually been fine in the past, I always just thought the students were too lazy to bother climbing all of the stairs, but if they're now sneaking around the Astronomy Tower I wonder if it will be next." Jemma hoped it wouldn't be, but going by what Cassie said, things could be heading that way. Crystal balls were expensive these days and some of the older tea sets would be near irreplaceable if anything happened to them.
"Maybe we should start securing some of parts of the grounds a bit more outside of classes. The students shouldn't really need to be there outside of lessons anyway, and I worry that it is starting to get out of hand." she suggested, trying to come up with a solution. After years of teaching it sometimes seemed like an endless loop of the teachers setting rules, students breaking them or finding loopholes, going round and round, until they graduated and the next lot started up. All of course to help their students have the best education possible during their time here at Hogwarts - which included minimizing trips to the hospital wing and preferably no destruction of school property.
"I guess I'm the only one not to have my name lined up, ironic as my mother probably could have predicted I would become a Seer." Jemma figured she knew the reason why though, but she didn't fully advertise it. Her mother was married to a muggle, her father, and hadn't told him about being a witch. Jemma never to this day knew what her mother expected to happen - she was bound to have a magical child, it would always have come out in the end. Jemma had never asked her, never had really wanted to and now it was too late. Blinded by love was all she could come up with