"Since I have no idea what you're talking about," Angus said pointedly, "I can't weigh in, but you know there are a couple empty worker cabins and there is always the guest house. I'm sure Brian would let you rent either one...." He stopped speaking because he heard the sounds of apparating. "That would be Michael."
Michael arrived in time to see Marcus, Brian, and Kate who was carrying Abbey all coming downstairs.
"Michael," Brian smiled. "Always good to see you. What brings you there this morning?"
"Don't know yet. I presume Angus will tell me, though," Michael replied.
"Come through to the dining room," Kate said. "I know why he sent for you. Let's have some breakfast. Brian, where is Khaat?"
"She's finishing packing her bag," he replied.
"I told Khaat I'd go up and apparate her downstairs in a minute or two," Marcus said.
"Go get her now, please," Kate said. "Her bag can wait until after breakfast. This is important."
"Of course," Marcus said, turning and going upstairs. Brian and Michael followed Kate into the dining room and called Angus, Jess and Jack all to breakfast while Kate put Abbey into her high chair and put some egg casserole on her plate and a part of a pumpkin muffin and then gave it to her with a sippy cup of milk.
"Come sit down, Everyone," Kate said. "We need to make a decision about how we're going to deal with this."
"What exactly are we dealing with?" Brian asked, as Marcus apparated in with Khaat and helped her to a chair. Kate repeated her news, and Brian and Khaat were immediately concerned. This had never happened in Robert's entire life. Kate had a right to be concerned.
"Ah," Michael said. "Now I know why I'm here. He's going to be one pesky buggar about it, and you need me to go lead the charge and take the worst of his fire about it and then get him to cooperate with you."
"Something like that," Kate said.
"Is he awake yet?"
"No," Kate said.
"Then, perhaps we should just enjoy breakfast and see if he's awake by the time we're finished," Michael said.
"Jess and Jack are apparently getting some bread boxes," Angus teased.
"What?" Brian looked confused.
"Well, congratulations on your bread boxes then," Marcus said, not losing a chance to toss around a little teasing.