"Well, I am prejudiced, certainly, but not towards the children," Robert said calmly, taking a sip from his drink. "My prejudice is towards parents who refuse to be accountable and responsible for their children and who refuse to attempt to provide for them some sort of reasonable guidance, instruction and support. It is not enough to procreate as a hobby and then dash off to one's own devices and leave the children behind. And, so you know, I have no prejudice against werewolves. Rather, I do not have any sympathy for those who murder, and I have a special lack of empathy for those with enough criminality to kill for the sheer joy of it. The man who killed my brother is a monster, and it is not his curse that makes him so. The monster that lies within him is of his own doing. Perhaps you should check yourself, Thorfinn. You seem to have your own prejudices. What is it? The ministry? Or is it more specific?"
Well, that had been a passive way of phrasing it. The dislike Robert had of deadbeat parents was not something he was ashamed of. He had sympathy for extenuating circumstances but he had developed a iciness of heart for those sorts of assholes. His own response to the deadbeat that had infiltrated his own family and nearly killed his daughter was, when he discovered Rob's illegal potions empire, was that he went personally and obliterated the lab, and, while she was so critically ill, had used his position as Khaat's next of kin to file on her behalf for divorce and a one time alimony payment for her and parental support for Abbey, and he had fought to take every single asset Rob Dent had ever had, even knut, sickle, and galleon. Rob had completely disappeared. Robert had prevailed in the courts, though, and it had made Khaat amongst one of the wealthiest women in wizarding London, and much as they did try to not publicize that he was well aware that people had at least some understanding that she and Brian were well off. Brian had come into the marriage with his own wealth, though, so it certainly had not been hers. Together, they would never want for anything. The last Robert had heard of Rob, he was the boy toy of one of the extremely wealthy wizarding women somewhere in France and was enjoying being kept. How poetic.