We've done some of these before, like the roulette (which nobody participated in), and two of these are meant for the character request section. Which, unless Sel or Khaat counter me on this, I'm cool with a thread started there for that purpose - the plot/character suggestions/requests by members. And then maybe the Admins could compile a list in the first post of the ones we most need, along with those members are most interested in? If that sounds like it would fill that gap for you.
A lot of this can really be done at member discretion. Like the last one. Breakfast club it up. Make use of the clubs we have listed, which are completely ignored to date. At least as far as I've seen. There's no rule against student groups happening, provided they're open to every character (provided it fits their plot/personality/whatever else) and are continuously recruiting. Cliques are a no-go, as we've seen from past plotting fails.
If the first is something people actively want, we can bring it back but it wasn't touched last time. And, as you said, the last three could be done like I mentioned, with a bit of our help, but mainly by member desire for ____ and making it happen. Definitely agree that they're worth doing.