Event Rules
The following applies only to this event, and are only to keep the event running smoothly. We are totally willing to be flexible about them.
All threads in this forum are openIC, this is a public place. OOC, it's an event designed to encourage interaction, particularly between characters who don't usually get to interact. If you want to create a private thread, take it to the regular
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Use common sense about posting orderWe would like this event to progress smoothly. If you find yourself posting back-to-back with your own character/s, try taking a break for a couple of hours or even a day to give others a chance to reply. If you are waiting on someone to post and it's slowing down the thread, skip over them.
If you will be away, post in the comings and goingsMost people are really good about this anyway, but it's essential when you're part of an event. Let us know whether you want us to skip your character, write them out of a thread, or if there's anyone you trust to godmod them.
Participate in the funYeah, it might not be "in character" for your character to wear a stupid Easter Bonnet or participate in what is essentially a beauty pageant, but part of the fun of events threads is acting a little bit out of character. Let them be taken over by the spirit of the Spring Faire.
Start your own threadsYou are by no means restricted to RPing in the pre-set events threads. Feel free to start you own threads, especially if the events threads start to get crowded, confusing, or messy.
Be spontaneousRemember, this is a fun day out for your character. Try to have fun without getting caught up in planning things ahead of time.