She typically wouldn't have accepted an invitation out simple because... she didn't really go out. She had little interest in putting herself into a position where she could be recognized, for either deed or name, and no company had ever seemed worth the risk unless it ended in a transaction that gave her the substances that made the getting home easier.
But a lot had changed for her, and in just a matter of days. Internally, the changes were still occurring, new thoughts edging out the old, new feelings growing where dead ones decayed. And she couldn't help but feel that this happy little consolation was an excuse to try to make her life a little more functional. Life had been hard, but now she had this, and she wasn't sure she wanted all of the other complications bleed over and... and complicate it.
Besides, it made sense. Shylock seemed to be willing to go along with the therapy without becoming a poster child, so he was as good as an ally within the group as anyone else. She wasn't going to find one in her cousin, and the Grimm girl didn't seem to have any use. Besides, Shylock has a clever way about him.
"Chamomile tea. No sugar."
She drummed her fingers on the counter, realizing she had no clue how to keep up a casual conversation. She had never seen much use in it, and she had never bothered to worry if she offended someone by staying quiet. So, she supposed some sort of observation might be... nice.
"This place is cheery."
Well, that came out more deadpan than was probably appropriate.