Hey, Gang!
Its that time again--that time when we need to keep an update on our roster of active characters so that we can be sure that we don't have things like jobs and claims that are taken by players that are no longer active. So we're asking everyone to complete an activity check for us now, please.
In order to complete the activity you must log in AND make, at the minimum, one post with every character you intend to keep--no exceptions. The activity check will run until midnight EST on Friday July 15th. Any character that has not logged in and posted will be uncolored.
So you know, here are the things we go by when activating/deacativating (coloring/uncoloring) characters after they are accepted. If the character has not been used in 6 months or longer, you might find it's already uncolored. We routinely go through that list and deactivate those characters that are not used for prolonged periods. When a character is deactivated, then it also loses various claims that were made for it--jobs, shops, groups, etc.
If you want that character to be reactivated, then you will need to ask us to re-sort them for you, and we're happy to do it. However, if you haven't used that character at least in the last year, then we will put that character's app back in the Character Creation forum and ask you to update it for us. Then we'll re-sort them.
Now, if you haven't been posting in awhile, why might you need to want to think about doing the activity check? Well, we have a new adventure for you! Here are the details:
After Buckley Inn was mysteriously burnt down, life settled down and went on as usual for most of the wizarding world. The Muggle Problem was contained after the effected muggles had their memories modified. Magic is now back to normal.
Meanwhile, the Department of International Magical Co-operation set up an exchange between Hogwarts and Ilvermorny. Known as The Ilvermorny Exchange Experiment, this scheme is far more experimental than anyone has guessed.
The current Headmistress of Ilvermorny is Gwen Fawcett. She's Robert Lupin's sister in law and she'll stop at nothing to expose Lupin's true, dark, character.
Over at Ilvermorny, things are starting to decline. All the staff have disappeared, apart from Gwen and her deputy, Julian Milton. The lights, staircases and lifts (yes, Ilvermorny has lifts) function only intermittently, or not at all. Meals are no longer being made, and students must scrounge what they can from the kitchens.
However, Hogwarts knows nothing of this, because the ferries from Ilvermorny to Hogwarts were one of the first things to stop working.
Soon, students will be boarding the Hogwarts Express, excited to return home to their friends and families, so what will their reaction be when they're transported from the safety of the train onto Ilvermorny grounds? What will their families think? And how will the Ministry respond?
Looking forward to seeing you all on the boards!
PA Admin Team