Okay, so I'm a pretty weird person when it comes to certain things, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who had moments where they kind of pause and think, "Wow, I'm kind of strange."
But that's okay. Because
For me, I'm weird about taking on random projects that I invent for myself. So, if I get stressed, I re-organize all of my bookshelves. And believe you me, it takes ages. Because I have to focus on making a new system of organization. With hundreds of books, it's daunting.
I also just took on a project using the Word Teasers SAT Vocab set and I'm telling myself to use one of the cards every day in my posts or personal writing. Similarly, I took on NaNoWriMo in November and I'm doing CampNaNoWriMo in both April and June. I think I have to take on projects to keep from starting more TV shows, because once I do that, nothing gets accomplished. I work far better under stress, which explains my last minute panic every time exams come around. Cramming totally works for me.
I also get excited over yarn sales, because I act older than I am and knit all the time. XD I actually really love it, because it's something to keep me doing *something* while I watch TV or listen to recorded lectures for class. Keeps me from fidgeting and makes sure my mind doesn't wander.
I guess, if I were a character on here, these would be my habits and quirks XD Please tell me I'm not the only crazy one.