Katherine looked up, surprised to find that the Slytherin was talking to her at all, nonetheless wanting to sit with her. It wasn't that he was a Slytherin that surprised her. Or even the fact that he was indeed quite attractive. No, it was because something about her had seemed to interest him. Her! Kit was, as ever, at a loss as to how she could be of use to anyone outside of her capacity as one of the more influential Dark Followers. With her father being wh he is, and her grandfather having been who he was, Kit had quite a lot of pull among her classmates. Or, at least, the ones of the same mindset as she.
This boy, Katherine was sure, she had seen before. But he was older. They should have been a year apart in schooling, as they were in age, but with her absence, she had been pushed back so they were two years different in terms of classes. But she still blinked up at him in silence for a moment as she attempted to refocus her thoughts, having to pull them back from her daydreaming about seeing Sharon. The woman was something of a grandmother figure (which Kit had never really had), so she supposed it could be excused.
"I- um, sure," she agreed finally, nodding and gesturing awkwardly to the chair next to her. For one so classically pretty, Kit had never been the sort to act so shy and withdrawn. That wasn't to say she was egotistical in any way, but rather that she had known her duty as a Pureblood daughter, and had wanted to fill her role properly. Now, she wasn't entirely sure what she was meant to do, no matter how much she respected her father ad what he believed their family was supposed to be or do.
"Have we met before?" She asked, having to wonder if her father perhaps knew his parents. Maybe they had been introduced at a Pureblood event if he was one.