Hey, Y'all,
So, we've asked for members to apply for Hogwarts staff positions and we haven't had enough takers. We staff members discussed several alternatives, trying to decide what might be best for everyone. We discussed, amongst other things, cutting classes back to just a few.
That, however, would deeply affect our new design for the school that we hope will provide everyone with an opportunity to have more fun there than we've ever done. Its way different for us, and we're excited about offering it. We have LOADS of things plans for Hogwarts this year. So--if you don't have a student character or two, hurry now and make them. And--spoiler alert, you WILL want them to take the train!!
So--we've decide to at least initially offer all the classes we originally intended, but that means that staff has had to step in to fill some of the necessary positions, at least temporarily. If members would like to step in as Hogwarts staff, some of the staff are willing to let members take over those teaching positions.
I just wanted it clear as to why it looks like so many staff are teaching this year. Its a temporary solution in order to offer a wider experience for rp. We can and will most likely shut down any class that members are not attending.
We would prefer that members have the teaching positions, and we are always open to constructive suggestions.
Class sign ups will be posted SOON!!