Just when he thought he was about to get some peace and quiet for once. Daniel jumped with fright, dropping his cigarette when a nurse emerged from the hospital and started telling him off about smoking near hospitals. He looked down at his burning cigarette, sighing with disappointment, it was his last one too. He shrugged his shoulders, it was almost finish too and he felt a lot calmer now after he had a smoke.
Now back at the screaming nurse, he turned to face the girl who was obviously pissed about him smoking near hospital. He scowled at her. "I don't see anywhere around here that says no smoking zone," he told her, gesturing around him, trying to prove a point before looking back at her. It was true, there was no where nearby or at least that he couldn't see. He supposed it was a common sense thing, but he didn't really care. There was hardly anyone about so to him, he wasn't harming anybody, except his own health which he seem to have very little care about. The cool breeze of air blew through his long, brown and curly hair. When the crazed woman told him that smoking was bad for him, he shrugged his shoulders and shook his head, chuckling. "Yeah?" he said. "And what are you going to do about it?" he asked, curiously.
He should probably watch what he say as an Auror. Then he remembered he was off duty, so nothing he said could be used against him, but then again he could never be too careful. And beside who was this woman to think that she could tell him what to do. He could do whatever the hell he would bloody like. She couldn't possibly get him in trouble for smoking outside of the hospital... Or can she?