Due to my inconsistency in being active, I finally did it and came back. So now of course, all my plots gone for my Jordan, I would like to create an awesome Summer Plot. At least I think it's a bit awesome.
Okay so since Summer is here, I can think of a bunch of small wizards going around and getting in trouble, solving mysteries, finding missing artifacts, going to forbidden places, anything xD.
Not just that, they're teenagers with hormones, so of course there will be conflicts, romances, and bromances xD.
Spot 1- Taken by Jordan Westfield. The leader of the crew, the one who would do anything and everything for his friends. He is ready to try the impossible and take his friends to the the extreme.
Spot 2- Taken by Nathan Finch-Fletchley. The second in command, the one who rivals Jordan, but at the same time, his greatest friend. (year 6 male)
Spot 3- Taken by Jonathan Rutger. The realist. The one who reminds everyone of the consequences and the stupidity of their actions, but joins them anyway. (year 3-7 male)
Spot 4- Taken by Connor McGrady. The youngest member of the crew. He looks up to the older ones, and the two leaders believe he will be the leader one day. (year 1-2 male)
Spot 5- Taken By Brooke Belby Also one of the youngest of the group. She is forms a small dynamic duo with the other youngest. She is also one who looks up to the older kids, especially Nate.
Spot 6- Taken By Isadora Malfoy The beauty of the group, but also the brains, and when needed to, the brawn. She is highly respected by the others in the group. (year 6 Female)
Spot 8- Taken by OPEN The older one the graduate, whom with their life, believes in the children and is ready to help them whenever they need it. (graduate, male or female)
If you have any ideas for a character that isn't a spot, don't be afraid to post. Not all the parts have to be taken, as long as there are male and females characters.
Last edited by Jordan Westfield on Sat Jun 07, 2014 2:18 pm; edited 4 times in total