Okay, so I have like four or five characters that are in desperate need of threads.
Raine K. D'Eath - Sixth year Slytherin and half-Vampire. She's full of hatred and darkness because of the death of her older sister, Alexis, who was like her role model and biggest hero. So of course her death caused something to snap within Raine. I think she really just needs someone to love her.
Note: She is currently questioning her sexuality too, as a little side thing.
Aedan C. Brennan - Twenty-oneish ex-Slytherin. He's a Death Eater who lost the girl he loved and his daughter. He joined the Death Eaters in anger and has grown very loyal to them for some reason. I don't really know what he needs at this point.
Jaybee A. Brisk - Seventh Year Hufflepuff. He's a lovable guy who's normally always with his friends and he's a little nerdy but fun. He's open to anything really, besides love interests I guess.
Rose Weasley - Twenty year old ex-Ravenclaw. She's bisexual but no one knows about it because she fears no one will understand her and she'll be seen as an outcast or something. She needs a friend.