Ministry of Magic
Magical Progression Decrees
Article 203
Matrimonium Legem
• Unmarried fe/males above the ages of 16 and below that of 50, males 70, are required to marry with in thirty days of receiving their Letter of Notice.
• Those who have received their Letter of Notice are required to complete the enclosed form. Failure to do so will result in fines and Azkaban sentences.
• Purebloods are no longer permitted to marry Purebloods due to the rise in the number of Squib births and their susceptibility to certain diseases such as the Welsh Green Itch and Medeis Rebellio.
• AMENDMENT: Purebloods are only permitted to marry if there is sufficient proof that their blood lines are not closely linked. Existing marriages must produce two magical offspring within three years to prove magical viability.
• Muggleborns highly encouraged to marry into Pureblood families; Half-Bloods deemed appropriate if Pureblood numbers fall.
• Half-Bloods encouraged to marry Purebloods - NOTE: Check bloodlines to be sure of no conflicting of marriages or relations.
• Muggleborns no longer permitted to marry Muggles or Muggleborns.
• Existing married couples of the aforementioned match must produce magical offspring within a year; if they fail to do so their marriage will be declared null and void and the ministry will supply the Muggleborn(s) with Pure/Half-Blooded partners.
• All Lettters of Notice will be distributed no later than September 31st
• If letters fail to arrive by owl they will be re-sent once more. If there is a second failure then the unmarried parties affected will be required to arrive at the Ministry’s Department of Law and Enforcement’s Magical Progression Office on October 3rd 2025 at 9:15 sharp.
• Enclosed surveys are expected to be completed and returned to the Ministry within five working days.
• Ministry of Magic Magical Progression Officers will match unmarried parties of similar trades and will let those concerned know within ten working days.
The above has been spearheaded by Mrs. Levski, member of the Wizengamot and Unspeakable. She has rejected answering any questions about the matter, or where the idea came from - likely her research in the Time and Magic Departments of the Department of Mysteries. It is not lost on her, hopefully, that her own children will perhaps be forced into marriage through this law in due time. It is said that the law will most definitely be enforced.