Maura laughed at his comment. "You weren't just stupid and a jerk, you were a complete ass to me when I didn't deserve it!"said Maura calmly. "All I ever was was good to you, I didn't deserve what you did to me, but it's all in the pass."said Maura softly. "Although I'm happy now, Ryo treats me better then any of my pass boyfriends ever did!"said Maura looking down at her two hearts merging into one necklace and smiled.
Maura chuckled at his comment. "I don't expect you to take me back, even if you did I wouldn't because I have Ryo now."said Maura softly. "Although I accept your apology, and we can be friends but it'll take me awhile to trust you."said Maura softly. "But we can start from the bottom and may our way up right?"
Maura asked him as she took a drink of her butterbeer and wrinkled her nose as it became hot due to sitting there. "Ugh... gross!"said Maura as she gotten out her wand and made it cold again.
"How do you know about that? no one knows of that!"said Maura softly. "Well... seeing how you know, I guess I'll tell you that I was tortured by James Darling, a evil and cruel bastard but it hasn't been the first time that he tortured me, but this time was worse."said shivering as she recalled everything he did to her. "He cut me up in so many ways Kaiden, I was almost dead when I arrived at Sr. Mungo's, they put me under a potion but I had a allergic reaction or something to it that put me in a coma for a week, I just gotten out of it alittle while ago."said Maura softly.