Cooper, Toby
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Cooper, Toby Li9olo10

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Cooper, Toby

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Cooper, Toby Empty Cooper, Toby

Post by Toby Cooper Thu May 30, 2013 10:58 pm

Cooper, Toby Jj44qt

(Note: App has been approved by Hallie Cooper)

    FULL NAME: Toby Hadrian Cooper

    NICKNAMES: Coop (used by pack)

    AGE: 15. (Birthday, November 13th. Will be of the age to enter 5th year in September.)

    ALLEGIANCE: Currently Neutral. Possible future Rebel supporter.

    HOGWARTS HOUSE: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff

    CLASSES: Charms and Transfiguration.

    WAND: Pear, Kelpie Hair, slightly bendy, 12 inches

    PLAY BY: Zack Roerig


    HAIR COLOUR: Dirty blonde, can at times look brown.

    EYE COLOUR: Blue

    COMPARATIVE HEIGHT: Taller than average

    BODY BUILD: Muscular and stocky

    GENERAL APPEARANCE: Toby is strong and muscular, putting definite effort into being so. While not yet fully grown he is certainly tall for his age, and often finds that he is able to look eye-to-eye with those a few years older than himself. Toby has the exact same blue eyes as his sister, and shares the same natural wave of her hair. One would never pick this up though, as his sister usually straightens her hair with potion, and he never allows his own to get very long.

    Toby has very little care for what clothing he wears, as long as he is comfortable no matter what he does in it, and doesn't look "horrendous." His pack is mostly to blame for this, as such is their basic mentality. He has many scars covering his arms and back, with a few scattered on his chest and legs. Such is the life of a forest-living werewolf.


    S- Courageous
    S- Loyal
    S- Protective
    S- Physical strength

    W- Often reckless
    W- Too loyal
    W- Can forget about consequences
    W- Lets emotions drive actions more often than logic

    L- Charms
    L- Acid pops
    L- Outdoors

    D- Disloyalty
    D- Being trapped inside
    D- Discrimination/prejudice

    GOALS: To show everyone who has discriminated against him because of something he couldn't help, how great he can be.

    Going for a run when stressed or upset
    Pushing the heel of his hands into his eyes when irritated with himself
    Clenching and unclenching teeth when in thought

    BOGGART: That he's worth as little as people seem to think he is.

    PATRONUS: The day after his first proper moon with the Pack. How they threw a party for him, and he was welcomed as one of them.

    DEMENTOR: Being kicked out of the Pack, and his sister demanding he leave due to being bitten. He isn't sure which one's worse.

    VERITASERUM: That he regrets the fight he had with his mother on the day he was bitten. The last thing he ever told her was that he hated her. She now thinks him dead.

    MIRROR OF ERISED: Being his own person and proving to everyone that he can make something of himself.

    PERSONALITY: Toby is complicated. He never thinks twice about doing something risky or dangerous, unless there is the potential to harm someone he cares for. Toby pretends the he doesn't care what others think of him. This is true for the most part, with the exception of those whom he is incredibly close to.

    He is also ridiculously loyal. If you win Toby's loyalty, you will always have it. He would literally do anything, if only the right person asks. This is both a strength and a weakness. Toby has a tendency to be too loyal, as if someone he once cared for hurt him, he would still help if they asked. Within his mind, Toby carries around a lot of resentment. He hates his situation, his life, and all whom have hurt him. Yet, even has he loathes the people who have caused him pain, he can't help but still care for them. This just causes Toby to resent himself as well.


    FATHER: Robert Cooper (muggleborn, murdered by Death Eaters when he was young.)

    MOTHER: Amelia Cooper (pureblood)

    SIBLING/S: Hallie Cooper (hasn't seen her since he was bitten).

    OTHER: His entire ex-Pack

    BLOOD STATUS: half-blood

    RACE: Werewolf

    SOCIAL STATUS: His family is Middle Class.

    PET/S: Currently, none.



    Early Years: Toby had a pretty ordinary first few years of life. He was loved by his muggleborn father and pureblood mother from the moment he was born. He also had an elder sister, Hallie, who was almost three years his senior. Unlike most siblings, Hallie and Toby rarely fought. Even when young, the two children were thick as thieves. Toby truly believed her to be the best big sister in the world.

    When he was five and Hallie seven, for it was the dead of winter and one of those few months where their age was only separated by two digits, their father was murdered. It was Death Eaters, not that the young boy knew what that meant back then. It was his darling sister who had carefully explained the concept of death to the small boy, even through her own tears.

    Understandably, the family was a bit of a mess for a while. But with the help of each-other, they slowly but surely pieced themselves back together. As the years went on, Hallie and Toby stayed incredibly close. He was sad when Hallie reached Hogwarts age, and he had to stay behind at home. They wrote so much, however, that it almost felt like Toby was with his sister at the magical school.

    When Toby was eleven, the summer before he would finally go to Hogwarts, everything changed. The two children were going to go out to play, and their mother was insisting that they only spend an hour outdoors. In a childish tantrum, Toby informed his mother how that wasn't fair! Needless to say, the fight turned into a screaming match, and Toby yelled at his mother that hated her, as children do, before stomping out the door with his sister.

    In an attempt to irritate his parent, Toby and Hallie stayed out longer than the allotted hour that day. In fact, they stayed out so long that afternoon turned into evening. There was a reason for they mother's orders however, as it was the full moon. Upon stumbling across a werewolf, the two children screamed and ran. Toby wasn't fast enough though, and was turned into a werewolf that very night.

    The next day when Hallie found Toby injured and distraught in the woods, she demanded the he leave home and not return due to his new heritage. Overwhelmed and terrified, Toby did so. He hasn't seen any of his family since.

    Hogwarts Years: Toby did not attend Hogwarts. After being bitten, just over a day after his sister's betrayal, he was found by his Pack. The wolf whom had bitten him, turned out to belong to a pack of werewolves that lived in the forest. Upon realizing that it was one of them who turned Toby, the group welcomed him as one of their own.

    The boy grew to love his pack, comparing them to one giant closely-knit family. They lived in huts in the woods, and were self-reliant when it came to survival. They hunted with bows, and bathed in the streams. The adults taught the children, while the children helped the adults. Despite his past, Toby was happy. Sure, the group was pretty casual about things like clothing, and there were certain ranks and dynamics not common in regular society. In general, all of them were a bit more vicious than average humans, but loyalty and the Pack was everything.

    For his thirteenth birthday, Toby went with the Alpha to get his wand. Unlike normal wizards, it was Pack tradition to get their wand as a teenager. Within the group, getting a wand was considered a rite of passage, even though the wand wouldn't be used for many years. Everyone in the Pack was magical, but with their lifestyle, magic wasn't used all that often. It just wasn't necessary, but the adults did teach the teenagers how to work magic all the same. Due to not wanting the Ministry to show up on their doorstep, all practical magic was taught with one of the adult's wands. While that made casting difficult, the mentality was that if you could do it with another wand, then magic would seem easy with your own.

    Toby was fourteen when he figured out he was gay. While the other male teens of the Pack admired the figures of the females, Toby found himself drawn to the impressive abdominal muscles of his mates. He spent months conflicted, confused, and afraid. Pack shared everything, but he'd never before been so troubled. Toby finally accepted himself, but by that time he was already fifteen.

    It was an ordinary day in mid-May, when the teenager finally mustered up the courage to step out of the metaphorical closet. The first person he wanted to tell was Ralph, his best friend, and son of the Alpha. Ralph was almost a year older than Toby, but Toby prided himself in being taller than his friend. Upon telling his closest mate, Ralph's response was two stilted words. Toby had no idea what right then meant, but the teen figured it could have gone worse.

    Toby found himself re-evaluating that thought, when the Alpha cornered him that night. The man he had looked up to for years, informed him that his son had related the conversation between the two boys back to him. Instead of the support Toby was hoping for, he got the opposite. His Alpha spent almost half an hour ranting, raging, and spewing out insults. The adult concluded the conversation, by kicking Toby out of the Pack. As it turned out, the Alpha-family and a majority of the Pack were raging homophobes.

    Toby was pretty sure that this was getting your heart ripped out felt like. His sister had never wanted to see him again due to what he was like one night a month, and now his Pack was rejecting him because of who he was attracted to. For days, all Toby could feel was resentment. The worst part was, deep down, he still loved both his sister and his Pack more than words could describe. But Toby was on his own again, and he was certain that there was no worse feeling.

    (I already have it planned for him to spend the summer under the care of Jack Dyllan. Beyond that, I really want Toby to go to Hogwarts for his 5th year. If this is because Jack talks him into it, or meeting his sister convinces him, that will be roleplayed. Feel free to sort him into a house, or as "other" for now. Thanks.)

    Adulthood: N/A


    ALSO KNOWN AS: Kitty

    RP EXPERIENCE: Been on PA for a while

    HOW YOU FOUND US: Originally Google, forgot what the search was.

    MAIN CHARACTER: Katrina-Carlotta Du Hunt and Vivianna Varnes are my mains.

    PURPOSE OF CHARACTER: RJ/Hallie wanted someone to make Toby, and I've wanted to create a male character for a while.


Last edited by Toby Cooper on Sat Jun 01, 2013 3:47 am; edited 1 time in total
Toby Cooper
Toby Cooper
Seventh Year Gryffindor
Seventh Year Gryffindor

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Cooper, Toby Empty Re: Cooper, Toby

Post by Khaat Lupin Fri May 31, 2013 10:06 pm

His app is good, and I see where you seem to be going with him in a lot of ways. However I have, as usual (lol) a couple questions.

First and foremost, if he's a werewolf, how is he managing at school? He might have been living with a pack before school (and perhaps at breaks) but there are a couple of problematic things that need to be dealt with. First, he would be required to use wolfsbane while he's in school. In PA, werewolves have no selective abilities to control their lycanthropy. They become brutal and animalistic. The only way of managing is through the use of wolfsbane. Is he doing that, or what are you doing with him during the full moon? The school would consider him little more than a killing machine, I think, when he was transformed, otherwise, and would surely not allow him to remain in the castle or on the grounds around other students.

Second, the fact that his mother disowned him would be, in effect, a legal matter. Someone has to have legal custody of him and would be responsible for signing things like school break forms, passes to Hogsmeade, blah, blah....Is Mom still doing that? Or does he have someone else that has stepped up to be a legal guardian? I am sure wizarding law, like most laws, would either require that he have a legal guardian or the Ministry would be appointed as his guardian if there were no one else. That might affect your personal plotting for him.

Further, the Ministry has tracers, according to canon, on underage magic, and it is illegal for him to be using magic off school grounds as a minor--even in a werewolf pack. How is he managing to do this? While I'm sure most wizarding children have at least dabbled in magic prior to Hogwarts, a kid like Toby who is, for all purposes, orphaned, would surely have nabbed the Ministry's attention somehow for all sorts of reasons if his history is accurate.

I like the premise. I am not opposed to the disowned child theme. I am merely saying I'd like to see some of his backstory polished a bit. Let me know if you need some help with it!
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
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Cooper, Toby Empty Re: Cooper, Toby

Post by Toby Cooper Sat Jun 01, 2013 3:42 am

Thanks! I'll jump straight into answering your questions.

Firstly, the full moons are certainly going to be an issue for Toby. He's definitely going to be taking wolfsbane, and spending those nights in the forest. Being in control of his mind as a wolf will be a new experience for him, as the Pack never had access to the wolfsbane potion.

Secondly, Toby is not disowned. It was his sister that told him to never come home. If I didn't make this clear, please let me know. His mother never knew what happened to him, and just assumed that the werewolves got to him and that he is now dead. His sister, Hallie, is the only one aware that Toby is still alive. Hallie just never told their mother the truth, due to her own guilt. In accordance to Hallie/RJ, there was even a small service a year after his disappearance, not that Toby is aware of this. While Toby may eventually reveal himself to his mother, I can't see that happening for quite a while. All things considered, Jack Dyllan will probably be stepping up as his temporary magical guardian, considering that she'll be taking him in for a bit. If for some reason that's not allowed, we can always hand him off to Rivah Trenton, who has to deal with these sort of cases every once in a while. Guardianship may eventually be passed onto Toby's legal elder sister.

Dang, I just realized my descriptions weren't very specific. Receiving a wand at thirteen is more of a symbolic rite of passage than anything else. When learning magic, the teens of the Pack would use the adult's wands. Because of that, learning magic was more theory-based than practical. Since the teens so rarely use magic, they are not reliant on spells as adults. That's why magic isn't used all that much among the group. Toby also has very little knowledge of potions. I tweaked the history a bit on this topic.

I hope that answers everything you were unsure about. Thanks Khatt!
Toby Cooper
Toby Cooper
Seventh Year Gryffindor
Seventh Year Gryffindor

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Cooper, Toby Empty Re: Cooper, Toby

Post by Khaat Lupin Sat Jun 01, 2013 5:23 am

He most likely would not need to spend the nights in the forest if he takes the wolfsbane consistently, which, I presume, the school would watch will all diligence. And, I also presume they will be keeping him away from actually seeing the full moon, either through a window or in images, during full moon stretches on the calendar. There is also the possibility that they could, if he starts to get out of control, lock him away in some dungeon deep in the depths of the castle and not release him until sunrise. Or--they could escort him through the one eyed witch passage into Hogsmeade to the Shrieking Shack. Just saying there are a wealth of possibilties there. But presuming he'll feel a bit nagged about drinking the utterly foul wolfsbane, he might not get much opportunity to use them. LOL.

Oh, one other small note, Toby could also get his wolfsbane from St. Mungos. Robert and Khaat have a vested interest in making sure werewolves get the wolfsbane they need to live relatively normal lives. They would surely provide it to him for free. They've been supplying some of the werewolves they deal with, with larger potions bottles of wolfsbane and a smaller pocket flask that allows a dose or two that a werewolf can carry with them as needed, realizing the importance of not leaving it behind. So--if you want to rp with either of the Lupins, just give me a yell. Sounds like fun..

I think Jack's stepping up as a legal guardian would solve a multitude of potential plot problems and create some great new personal plotting possibilities. And that would have been settled, technically, at least within the last year. And since Jack is a grad, that would be a worthwhile possibility. My best suggestion is that you have Toby simply be a ward of the Ministry. That would mean that Jack simply needs to go apply for guardianship through Khaat, and she would most likely give it b/c she knows Jack's tendency for loyalty and she would also prefer minors to have family connections and not be wards of the ministry forever.

And yeah, the clarification on magic was very helpful. So, lets get down to the sorting business. Accepted and sorted into Gryffindor!
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23821
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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Cooper, Toby Empty Re: Cooper, Toby

Post by Toby Cooper Sat Jun 01, 2013 3:28 pm

Perfect, the school will monitor his wolfsbane intake, and he can transform in some random room in the dungeons. I figure the dungeons would be the best idea as it's not like he can transform in his dorm, and that way he's unlikely to be stumbled upon.

That's awesome, thank you for offering to rp. I'd love that. Due to that fact Toby isn't even aware that wolfsbane exists, he'll probably need to wait until Jack/someone else brings it up. As soon as that happens, I'll as you for a thread. (:

I'm glad that you think Jack is a viable candidate. I'll let her know what you said so she can sort that out with you.

Thanks for everything!
Toby Cooper
Toby Cooper
Seventh Year Gryffindor
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