The Great Hall rang with cutlery of the early risers, not too much noise due to the hour, just a smattering of those who, like her, were up before the bulk of the school. The food was ready and just as good as it would be for the masses on their arrival.
Her eyes fell upon sleepy looking Gryffindors, wide-eyed Hufflepuffs, and even studious Ravenclaws. No one she recognized, which was part of her reason for the enjoyment of the hour. She couldn’t be sure of the sleeping pattern of her sibling, but she was sure that he wasn’t among those leaning over their books and eating slowly.
She looked up the table at the rest of the Slytherin’s, which was easy as a first year. She knew her place and had seated herself in their customary position, at the end of the table, but no one was paying her much mind.
Taking another careful bite of toast, she raised a mirror to her eyes, checking herself over. She looked composed and calm, which was often how she felt after a long run. She’d rose at 5 and had gone out into the morning grounds. She didn’t want anyone else to see her habit, for looking sweaty and unkempt was not the impression she ever wanted to give others, but it always made her feel better.
The grounds were far too extensive to run around and she found herself having to retrace her own steps, rather than continuing. She had made a note to find a good route with more than one way back, but that would need to wait for another time. Shower and make-up, which took so long considering it was to look like she wasn’t wearing any.
The girls in her room hadn’t even stirred, which had made it better. No queue for the bathroom, no quips and getting in each other’s way, then down to breakfast.
Satisfied that she still looked okay, she put the mirror away again and continued with her toast, her eyes on the skies, which were filled with thick grey clouds, promising only rain and mud.
“Wonderful,” she muttered to herself.