Neither Lorcan nor Zada had seen any sense in holiday decorations so they hadn't put up any. They had permitted it at the manor because it was tradition, but they much preferred, for the holidays, the Diagon Alley penthouse these days. Lorcan was finding the more Aaron grew in ego, the more Lorcan disliked him. And Zada had no use for Aaron whatsoever. Their views on the current Death Eaters were changing sharply.
They still held their beliefs in the dark arts, but not in Aaron. This morning, she had gotten up with Lorcan, and they'd enjoyed breakfast together before he headed out to Slugs and Jiggers. Zada had the house elf make her a mug of chai tea. She watched the sunrise over the eastern horizon over London. This looked like an excellent morning to start her day with a tai chi workout in the new gym they'd put into the penthouse in December. She preferred her own black satin tai chi uniform that was embroidered with a beautiful phoenix, and had black satin flats. She had asian music available for doing tai chi, and it sounded like a refreshing way to start her day.