Kingsley Shacklebolt
Age 70
Allegiance: Order of the Phoenix
AbilitiesTier 1
Wandless Magic, Flying, Telepathy, Leglimency
Background:Kingsley was for a long time the minister of magic. He was at the head of both the Order of the Phoenix and the Ministry when the third Wizarding War began. He failed in holding off Voldemort though, and lost the Ministry. Kingsley remained determined to stop him, and moved to Hogwarts, which he transformed into a sort of sanction against the Death Eaters. He was a strong leader, and eventually played a big part in Voldemort’s downfall.
After the war, Kingsley did not take back his previous posts as he believed that he had failed in defeating Voldemort earlier. Instead, he remained headmaster until Vincent Majere, backed by the ministry, removed him from that office. As things grew worse for Hogwarts, Kingsley, backed only by two of his apprentices, tried to retake the school. He was defeated by Vincent Majere, and thought to be dead.
However, he returned soon after to help in the battle against Grindelwald. Kingsley no longer holds the positions of power he once had, but he remains the most powerful wizard alive. With Jess taking over the order, and Robert in control of the ministry, Kingsley decided to reclaim the headmaster position in Hogwarts.