"I admire your desire to help others, Jack," Michael said. "I truly do." He poured a spot of firewhiskey in each of the glasses and pushed one her direction. "But the consequences could have honestly been far worse. You do realize that there is a 90% chance, so far as I would figure, that Robert does know the medical issues that your marinated friend has. And, Robert does like you. Much as it might not look like it. Your sentence is annoying but not out of your ability to deal with. I don't know if you've talked with Omara, but he didn't fare as well as you did. Not by a long shot. If Robert had truly meant to punish you, he would have. By my guess, he most likely was trying to educate Omara about something he seems to have some resistance to learning. And--much as you might be frustrated with the job tasks and as much as you might be worried about the animals you're responsible for, there are a couple things I don't know if you know.
"So, allow me to enlighten you. First, your animals are not abandoned. They are being well cared for in your absence. Not only by your staff, but Robert's wife, Kate, is very skilled in the care of magical creatures, and she has the gift of speaking to animals. Robert is paying her on a consultant basis to check on the animals daily and take care of any needs they have that your staff might have missed. By the way, the horntail female had two eggs yesterday. Kate says the horntail says they're her first eggs and she's excited about them. You should be back well in time to supervise their safe hatching.
"Second, if you want my humble opinion, I think Robert wants to see you grow in your skills. And you do have a bit of a penchant for walking into the fire and not away from it." That was no secret. Jack Dyllan didn't walk away from a battle, particularly if her friends were involved. She dove in head first. "In his own way, Robert is most likely trying to improve your odds when you walk into the frontlines. The Lupins are as dedicated to their friends as you are, even if they are unconventional in how they show it. Robert is using this to provide you extra training because you are important to him, to Khaat--and to me."