The Third Task is now revealed!
Once again, I'll remind you of the champions and the judges:
The Champions:
Jess Potter
Ginevra Malenki
Betsy Parquette
Mariana Diggory/Potter
The Judges:
Jemma Tiquelle
Topher_Stockley (inactive)
Andrian Potter
Now, on to the third task:
The Champions will have to RP of course, and the plot is: They will have to go to their respective judges, who will take them to their choice of islands. They will have ot stay their for a couple of days and survive using the less magic, and then they'll have to get the cup which will be on a mountain (say, Mt. Trescot, lolz)guarded by some Mountain Giants. The one who uses least magic and gets past the mountain giants , and RPs the best will be the winner of the third task, and after that the Triwizard Cup will be announce.
Judges: They will award points by the Champions' style of RPing, and the Quality.
Last Submission Date: 27th August
Judges' Points submission date (last) : 2nd September.
((Judges will PM their points to Darren as I'll be away from September (the whole month probably, or just 15 day ...)))
Thats all, any queries and any mistake seen in my work should be posted here.