So, if you're looking here it probably means you're interested in owning one of the above listed types of business. First off it's important to know that these differ greatly from the way that the shops work, in that you don't receive a wage based on sales, instead you have a fixed salary.
Owning a food-selling business costs only 50 Galleons, rather than 75. This is because owners don't earn more or less money based on their own sales, instead they merely maintain their business and ensure that their workers are active. This doesn't mean they're not worthwhile though. Often some of the most interesting personal plotting opportunities arise in the local bar, so getting your character in all that business is always great for anyone wanting to RP.
It also differs in that there is more freedom for non-canon establishments to be created. Of course the standard canon ones will always be around, but we're far more likely to accept an application to create your own business, so long as it's not a replica of something else on the site (E.g. No dinghy pubs that are almost identical to the Hogs Head and Leaky Cauldron).
So, if you're interested in owning your own food establishment, take a look at the list below, or enquire in this topic as to how you can have your own non-canon place set up for you!
The Leaky Cauldron (Oded O'Hurley)
The Three Broomsticks (OPEN)
The Hogs Head (OPEN)
Satan's (Vito Dee Symons)
Sparks Bistro & Bakery (Brian Quinn & Khaat Lupin)
Cafe Twin Montez (OPEN)
Blue Moon Nightclub (Under renovations)
Please fill in the following form if you're interested!
- Code:
[b]Character name:[/b]
[b]Business name:[/b]
[b]Type of business:[/b]
[b]Basic menu:[/b]
And remember, if you want to open your own business, just ask below and we'll see to you ASAP!
The Admin Team