Heyo PAers.
Just a note to you all that we will be holding an update two weeks from now on the weekend of Friday the 3rd to Sunday the 5th of February. Hopefully we'll get it done by Sunday though, we've already started writing some of the instructions up for you all.
A slight warning though, owing to the massive deficiencies in this area we are looking at overhauling money and jobs, and there is a chance that your character's job may be removed from the site. We're working on finding a way to make any direct interference on you all as minimal as possible, but I think that we can all agree that the jobs are in such a poor shape right now that some cutbacks will need to be made.
If you're interested in giving some feedback on the new money system, send me a PM and I may get back to you when we've got it all confirmed... as we all know, sometimes ideas have looked really good on the drawing board, then have fallen apart when we've acted on them, so volunteers would be appreciated.
We've got a theme created and waiting to go up, we just like holding it off to torture you all
And finally. We're working on having the Grindelwald plot wrapped up just before the update begins so that we can enact all our changes on an IC and OOC level, all at once. We've also got the next plot in the fine tuning section and look forward to getting it up
So, that's all. Hope you aren't all too inconvenience by our meddling
The Admin Team